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Everything posted by indianabasshunter

  1. That's good news, next time I'm home I'll pick one up.
  2. Thanks for your help Wayne. Ended up hooking the 360 to an 898 instead of the 1199. Need to order an Ethernet adapter for the 1199.
  3. I believe I've found the answer to this on Humminbirds website.
  4. I plan on installing a new bow mount 360 and hooking it up to an 1199 this weekend and didn't know if the software on the 1199 would need to be updated in order to make this function. The 1199 was purchased new around Christmas of 2015 and has the software that enables jigging mode. If the software does need updated can you please provide some tips on doing so? I've never attempted this before. Thanks for for your help.
  5. The left reel cover comes off and you have to adjust the brake tabs inside. There is a small captured screw next to the drag star that you can back off with your thumb then you twist the left cover in a clockwise manner. Once that's off you can adjust centrifugal brake. If you already did that there's a good chance that some have engaged themselves during an aggressive cast. I own multiple TP's and the brake tabs would do this when the reel was pretty new. Now that they all have been used for some time they no longer do this. Take a look on Youtube if you are having trouble understanding my poor description.
  6. That's a pretty cool feature. Thanks for taking the time to show that slonezp.
  7. So if i was targeting 24 ft on a given lake i could have everything on the chart at that depth shaded a different color with a Lakemaster card? I was leaning towards Navionics + just because you have the option to pick any lake and download that specific chart independant of region. Is there any other way to create a lake chart with a Humminbird and keep it private other than using the Lakemaster Autochart?
  8. In the near future I will purchase my first lake chart software and am leaning towards Navionics + but I have a question. Can you chart a lake and keep it private or does it automatically upload the chart for public viewing when you insert the card into the computer? Lakemaster Autochart has the capability to keep the chart private but it's about the only thing I've read that's "better" than Navionics +. Any input is appreciated. Thanks, Chris
  9. Shimano has a pair of sandals very similiar in style to Crocs but they have a sole designed for wet surfaces. They are comfortable enough to wear all day and provide good traction on docks and boat ramps. After falling more than once last year while wearing an old pair of Crocs i stumbled across the Shimano brand. I've noticed two downsides to the Shimano sandals, they look just as tacky/ugly as Crocs and mine are starting to rip. You can get the Shimano sandals at TW just make sure to buy a size smaller than your normal tennis shoe.
  10. They work better for me just after the spawn ends.
  11. I used to use them a lot in the summer months. My best retrieve was fast and very erratic like a fleeing baitfish. They didn't seem to swim straight when fished in this manner but they caught the snot out of quality fish at times when not much else would... I used the all white/translucent version in the same style as pictured above. Buy 'em, they work.
  12. I have a full grown German Shepard that loves to go fishing with me. Anytime the boat is getting hitched to the truck she won't leave my side. Up unitl recently she would go with me on nearly every trip but that was in an older aluminum boat. When she is in the boat she moves around the front deck more than i do and is usually near the edge of the boat. When a fish is hooked or she sees wildlife on the bank she has a tendancy to get very excited and will fall in occasionally because she gets too close to the edge... I recently purchased a glass boat and am afraid she will scratch the gel coat with her nails. Is this fear warranted? Do you have any experience with a similar situation? Thanks, Chris
  13. That's all that went through my head on the drive home. It was a nice boat otherwise.
  14. I'm looking at possibly buying a 2006 Bass Cat Pantera Classic and was hoping that somebody on here may have some experience with this model boat and be able to fill me in on their likes and dislikes of it. It's equipped with a 200 Yamaha VMAX hpdi with approximately 100 hours and a 101 lb thrust Minn Kota. Yesterday I was test driving a 2001 TR21 Triton equipped with a 225 Opti Max and the motor blew during the first 5 minutes of the test drive... This made me more nervous than I had been in the past about buying anything used with a Opti Max on the back. Any input or wisdom about the Bass Cat is appreciated. Thanks, Chris
  15. "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day."
  16. Has anybody fished either Fox lake or South Lake near Titusville FL? I will be down there near the end of March and may try to sneak a fishing trip or two on one of these lakes if it's worthwile. Thanks, Chris
  17. 1. Fluke 2. Trick Worm 3. Finesse Worm 4. 1/2 oz brush jig 5. 5/16 oz finesse jig 6. 1/2 oz Red Eye Shad 7. Brush Hog 8. 5XD 9. Spro Frog 10. 1/2 oz Colorado Blade Spinnerbait
  18. I was fishing a state park lake, early last spring, while listening to the radio because there were small storms nearby. The fishing was great but on two different occasions a small storm blew in bringing hail with it. I beached the boat before the hail started both times and waited it out on the bank. After the second hail storm blew through the clouds disappeared, the wind laid down, and I had the lake to myself. Without any clouds in the sky it was a brilliantly bright day. Working my way around a point and catching fish on what seemed to be every cast, the brightness of the sun was overshadowed by a massive lightning strike followed by the loudest BOOM I've ever heard. Before I knew what happened i was laying in the bottom of the boat on my stomach. After a brief moment I gathered my senses and hit the trolling motor foot pedal with my hand while remaining on my stomach. I ran the boat into the bank and crawled onto shore. I sat underneath a small foot bridge for a while trying to gather my senses. When i got the nerve to get back in the boat i headed directly for the ramp. I'm still not entirely sure why I ended up in the bottom of the boat but my neck and shoulders were stiff and sore for a few days following the event. I used to not give much thought about lightning while fishing, but now I play it safe and don't go to the lake if lightning looks like a possibility.
  19. Excellent advice. Thanks for taking the time to help out.
  20. Thanks, those are good points that i hadn't given as much thought to. When did they start to phase out Thanks, those are good points that i haven't given as much thought to. When did they start to phase out wood stringers, cross members, and transoms?
  21. Thanks for your help. I will make a point of getting the engine checked by a professional mechanic before making a purchase. In order to get a report from a dealer would the owner of the boat have to go to the dealer or is this something i can call a dealer about if i had the model and s/n of that specific outboard? What causes the powerhead to "blow"? Bad oil, bad gas, no maintanence?
  22. Within a couple months I will be purchasing my first glass bass boat (used). I have talked to a couple guys who own newer rigs and have scoured the internet to try to get an idea on what I can afford and what issues to look for. My biggest concern is having to foot a large repair bill for a blown powerhead or other expensive outboard troubles. I will probably end up with an outboard between 150 and 200 hp. Are there some makes and models that I should stay away from that have known issues? Are there any you recommend looking at? If i have to shell out a large amount of money to repair something that I should have avoided in the first place, after already spending a pile of money on purchasing the boat, it may drive me right over the edge... Thanks for any help.
  23. Read In-Fisherman Critical Concepts Bass Book. There are three books in the series but the first one has exactly what you are looking for. It's loaded with information that has been scientifically proven. The last two books in the series repeat a lot of what is already in the first book.
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