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Everything posted by bassflyfisherman

  1. I actually believe that is a cichlid rather than a talapia. Most likely a Mayan Cichlid.
  2. Congrats! I agree completely. It took me a while to be able to catch bass consistently on the fly rod - particularly bass of any real size. The largemouths are fun, but my favorite are BY FAR smallmouths. Smallmouths are also a bit easier for me to catch on the fly rod too.
  3. When it comes down to it, if there is a law in your state, county, or city that requires a fishing license, any law enforcement agent / peace officer has the ability to write a citation for not abiding by those laws. In reality, a peace officer of any sort - police, game warden, DNR officer, etc. - can write a citation for violation of any law. A DNR officer could write you a ticket for speeding, even if you aren't in any sort of park. A couple quick examples explicitly stating police officers can ask for your license are below. As I mentioned above, as long as your state has an item in it's code requiring a license (it does), any peace officer charged with enforcing the state's codes can inspect your license. New York: http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/2442.html
  4. Don't think of it as a waste of money. You're still supporting conservation programs that support and enhance the fish population!
  5. Sorry to dredge this up from the past, but did you have any success finding one? Any recommendations on who to use from your research?
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