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Kenneth Rollston

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    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
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    James River
  • Other Interests
    Lure customizing to the fullest possible.

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  1. No, I don't think you got a bad lure, it's all about the wiggle and the color they see right before they hit.. Most crankbait fish hit out of a reaction, so if your not catching them on a specific lure, it doesn't have what it takes to get bit.. I have 2 Koppers and have caught nothing on them either, but I have won many tourny's on my painted knock off ones I make. So I know that it goes down to color and wiggle, not the realistic look of the lure..Now a jerkbait fished in the early spring is a completely different story. They do have a chance to look at it. Thanks..
  2. " In the Salmo offer since - 2012 Quoted from the link you provided. "They had it in the office since 2012". So even if they had it out first, it wasn't out long and I didn't know of it. If I had known of them having that design, would I dare say I thought of it first in today's media age of everyone knowing all ? also I "was" approached by a promotional Rapala rep about painting, that's when I made the mistake of telling him of the Curved lip design, several months later is when Rapala came out with it, but I guess it's a coincidence that I had talked to the rep several months before.. So I can see your point of Salmo having it first, But if you think for one second, Big companies are not trolling Facebook, forums and other sites for ideas., that's just not thinking correctly.. Just ask Russ Lane about spro and Dwain Batey.. The only reason we are not saying "Spro's paintings are just close to Dwains, they didn't take them", is Russ stood up for Dwain and came out with it.. So yes, maybe there are ideas that are out there at the same time, but not all are just made by the Big companies, they really don't hire talent, they just take it. Examples, Spro, Zoom, Stanley Wedge, Strike king, Manns Have been proven to have taken ideas and paint jobs from others and claim them as their own.. Not ranting, just trying to weed my way through that crap and keep it it real.
  3. If you do use the Devcon, make sure it has some type of UV inhibitor, if you do not, your lures will turn colors after just a while on the deck. Also I have seen some heat the epoxy with a propane torch after applying it, this gets the air bubbles out, just a quick touch with the torch though, it will make a disaster of your job if not done correctly. I personally use a two part automotive clear coat, this can be applied by pouring it on, and letting the lure spin in a rotisserie, I currently spin over 80 lures at a time doing this, and when you finish the first clear, go back and clear once more and your done. I have lures all over the world and had only compliments on how much the clear holds up and how good things look after years of use. Not sure if this is for everyone, but that is my thoughts on that.. Kenneth..
  4. No legal battle is even thought of from my end. What I was saying is it is very similar and after this year of major companies stealing ideas from us little guys, you could clearly see where my idea would be a concept lure for the Bait ball. I do have several of Koppers pro staff on my page so that could explain them getting the picture. This year alone, I have had Rapala take the Scatter rap lip idea after I suggested it to one of their reps, while he approached me to paint some Rapalas for him., Spro taking two of my paint jobs after emails containing pictures of the lures I painted for a customer getting sent to John Crews. Dwain Batey had the same thing going on with Spro until Russ Lane set things straight, even though Spro didn't. So this just seems to fall into place. Lol. I am not mad, but it seems many, many people definitely see the idea they used to make theirs off of my idea. If I had the factory they had to make these, mine would have been much, much better. Mine is clearly not the lure they made, mine would have been considered a concept lure at this point. I may pull the trigger and start up lure manufacturing, I definitely have a edge on them, but I will not ever show, or talk to another person of any idea I have again without a contract getting signed.. Thanks guys for letting me post about this.. Kenneth
  5. I know it's a different style lure, but I also do not have the resources they have. It's the idea that they took. The good thing is I can do any lure, any size, and any style fish you want on it. Mine would of course be different, but you would have what you wanted not what they are offering. Schools of minnows, bream, baby bass, Bunker, ect. And on any lure, just for the extra charge of me purchasing they're lure you want, and I get most of the lures used, so the price is usually much lower than a new store bought one.
  6. Well I am the creator of the original.I did make the lure in January of 2012 and the picture is time stamped on facebook. I have several of them out on the market that I sold to customers. I also will tell you that I have some of the Koppers pro staff on my friends list , this would also explain how Koppers got the pictures to use. This year alone I have had 4 ideas taken from me, this is the only one that I cannot directly prove. So as far as locker room gossip, I am the original maker of that lure. There is no gossip about that.. The only advantage they have is resources to make them with and if I had the resources, I would have done a much better job on theirs. I can produce a much more realistic looking lure from a 8 x 10 shed with only a portion of what they may have at the factory. And you ask about patents? I am a little guy, small business. I am flattered by this but also slightly disturbed. I do everything by hand and do not mass produce my art.I do not have the resources for the patent then a lawsuit. Everything I make is done for the love of the sport and done so in the USA. There is no mass production with me. In many ways, it is not that big of a deal, but in some ways it is. It goes to show you that large, multi billion dollar industries do not want to be a 'job creator' and spend the money to hire creative talent. Technology, with its ups and its downs has enabled corporation to basically do what they want while the laugh all the way to the bank. There is no ethics or honesty here...just basically a hinderance for small business to flourish...no matter how hard you work. If you had both in your hands, you would say mine is the prototype.. Thank you, Kenneth
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