" In the Salmo offer since - 2012
Quoted from the link you provided. "They had it in the office since 2012". So even if they had it out first, it wasn't out long and I didn't know of it. If I had known of them having that design, would I dare say I thought of it first in today's media age of everyone knowing all ?
also I "was" approached by a promotional Rapala rep about painting, that's when I made the mistake of telling him of the Curved lip design, several months later is when Rapala came out with it, but I guess it's a coincidence that I had talked to the rep several months before.. So I can see your point of Salmo having it first, But if you think for one second, Big companies are not trolling Facebook, forums and other sites for ideas., that's just not thinking correctly.. Just ask Russ Lane about spro and Dwain Batey.. The only reason we are not saying "Spro's paintings are just close to Dwains, they didn't take them", is Russ stood up for Dwain and came out with it..
So yes, maybe there are ideas that are out there at the same time, but not all are just made by the Big companies, they really don't hire talent, they just take it. Examples, Spro, Zoom, Stanley Wedge, Strike king, Manns Have been proven to have taken ideas and paint jobs from others and claim them as their own..
Not ranting, just trying to weed my way through that crap and keep it it real.