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Everything posted by AJMichigan

  1. It's an Ettiquette thing here, like you just don't do that. Fisherman's code, whatever you wanna call it. You don't intrude that close to someone else's fishing spot unless you ask first and they say it's okay. Have some d**n respect.
  2. Yes They did.
  3. Throwing a medium sized yellow/gold spinner into a shallow area along the banks of the grand river. This spot has a down tree which bass like to hang out under..and apparently pike.. As soon as this bad boy hit it I knew it wasn't a bass. Nice fight, just sucks my 8 dollar spinner is trashed now. 25 inches btw.
  4. Was fishing along the grand river today when a family approaches the same spot i'm fishing in. This is a small spot, maybe 20 feet of bank that you can actually fish in. I say "Hey man, this spot is kinda taken." The dad got rude with me! told me off! Told me I didnt own the bleeping property. So about 10 minutes later i ask to have a convo with him privately and attempt to give him a lesson in fishing ettiquette. Dude wanted to hear nothing of it and threatened to beat I disagree! LOL. Whatever, some people are just ********. What do you guys do when others attempt to intrude on your spot?
  5. White/yellow are my go to colors for spinners.
  6. No idea, i'm not the one that caught him. It was a public charter.
  7. I love River Monsters. I actually e-mailed him once and he e-mailed me back! I still have the e-mail saved lol! I sent him the story about people catching Piranna's out of the Grand River up here last summer. Man I would love to do his job.. Anyway, I was in Florida back in 2010 for spring break my junior year. We went 23 miles off the coast of the atlantic deep sea fishing and one of the people on the charter was hooked into a shark for about an hour and a half. When they got it close I went up to the 2nd deck of the boat and looked at it. Thing had to be 15 feet at least. However the guy was extremely upset that the charter would not bring it onto the boat and keep it for him because he wanted to eat it.
  8. I would go scout the quarry first, and look around for business/houses. Also with private ponds, if you have the guts I would go knock on some doors and ask nicely if they mind if you fish in there. Most of the time if you ask first and be respectful they wont mind. I realize this may be tough to do especially if you don't know the people.
  10. Scott, Do you mean I should fish east of the city or west of the city along the river? I've fished both sides and have caught smallies on both sides.
  11. Depth varies depending where you go, Where I usually am it's not too deep at all, i'd say maybe 20-25 feet in the middle, but I'm fishing from shore. Visibility is usually always low, 2-4 feet at best. Current is always pretty fast even when you're not close to dams or rapids.
  12. Got it. Fish them like a senko?
  13. I have a few flukes (I think that's what they are) sitting in my tackle box that I never use. They have a hook in them along with a big metal plate (not sure why) They're about 8 inches long and black with a red tail.
  14. It's the Grand River in Michigan. And I've never had luck with topwaters around here and i've tried a bunch of them.
  15. Thanks for the help! I have a white one so we'll see how it goes when I go back out this weekend. Like I said I didnt meant to buy it lol!
  16. How about water color? Windy day? ect.
  17. what would those situations be?
  18. What's the best way to fish a buzzbait for largemouth/smallmouth? I accidentally bought one this weekend thinking it was a normal spinner, however it's a buzzbait. Not a fan of topwaters, so was curious how you guys fish them.
  19. I've been catching a few smallies with a white spinner, but can't seem to catch smallies on anything else. I really want to target them hard this fall, so I was curious what you guys use for STRICT Smallmouth fishin. No topwaters please. Thanks, AJ
  20. I just leave everything in my car. No reason to ever take it in the house.
  21. Went bass fishing with my buddy at one of my favorite spots this weekend. He's been bass fishing previously, but he's a noob in most aspects. We're both fishing spinners and he hooks into a monster about 10 feet from the bank. Well..my friend doesn't have his drag set properly and it's set WAYYY too loose. He is not able to keep the line tight on this bad boy. He starts freaking out "Dude come fix my drag! come fix my drag!" So I take the pole from him and I'm able to feel this fish before he gets off, my god, this was the biggest thing i've ever felt on the end of a line while fishing freshwater. I tighten up the drag quickly and next thing I know he's gone. We get the lure back in and this fish moved the knot all the way down the bar of the spinner. He was furious, and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit inside but was upset with him as well.. First thing I ALWAYS do when I get to my fishing spot is check all aspects of my rod/reel to make sure they're in proper working order. I dont think he'll ever forget to check his drag again though! LOL. 8)
  22. Personally I use a noose type knot (not sure the exact name of it) and i've never had a problem with the hook just sliding off of the line or the not coming undone.
  23. Caught one yesterday out of the Grand River on a spinner. 17 incher. They're ready to go and i'm ready to catch 'em!
  24. First smallmouth of the season today. Caught him on a white spinner with 2 silver blades. Not sure the size of the spinner but it's a bigger one. 17 inches, don't have a weigher and i'm catch and release, but i'd assume 3 lbs. He absolutely SMASHED my spinner and took me for a ride. Love catching smallies, fight much better than Largemouth bass. Thought he was a pike at first lol. Only thing that sucks is somehow he got hooked straight through the middle of the bottom jaw, pretty deep into this mouth too. Bloody mess. Hope the fella's okay.
  25. Learning from the asian carps I see..
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