My brother-in-law gave me a 40HP Outboard Tiller.
It looks like a Evinrude, but it's hard to tell because it's been painted green.
I want a 14' or 16' welded Jon Boat.
There's a local company that I've been getting quotes from.
Their boats are nice, and I wouldn't have to drive far to pick one up.
I got a quote on a 1448 and told the company that I would be mounting the 40HP Tiller on it.
Here's what they had to say:
"Thanks for the compliments on the welding - we do strive to have the best welded boat on the market. Below is the pricing on the basic River Skiff 1448 T with a single floor. We don't drill any holes in the transom unless we're mounting a motor on the lot, holes are universal on most new, larger motors (small outboards are usually different). Also, It won't rate 40HP on the tag, just so you know."
I'm confused, because they list a 1448 with a 40HP Stick Steer on their site.
I guess the Tiller is heavier?
Would it be safe to mount that motor on the boat, or do I need to step up to a 16'?
Is it illegal to go over the rating on the tag?
Their 1642 might be in my budget.
I'd rather have a 1648, but it's probably more than I can afford.
Just got a reply back from the company:
"HP ratings are based on 5 factors according to US Coast Guard formula. Those 5 factors are:
- Type of Hull (Flat, V, etc) - Type of Seering (Remote, Tiller)
- Height of Transom
- Length
- Width
The SS Version is a remote steering version, which rates much higher via USCG formulas. The tiller drive option reduces ratings significantly. Even a 1648 T will not rate 40HP, unless it were a V-bottom.
Is it illegal? According to the USCG, overpowering the vessel would result in fines/tickets. We do not rig or mount outboards on hulls that are over the HP rating limits. Plenty of individuals DO this at their discretion and thus would accept any responsibility for their over-powering."
So, what do you guys think?