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Everything posted by Stren_g

  1. How deep was the fish caught? 2-3 feet Did the lure contain rattles or have hinges? Rattles, heddon tiny torpedo. Was the lure a natural color (brown, green) or was it an unnatural color (chartreuse, orange)? Chart bottom, brown back. If possible, what moon phase was your PB caught during? No idea.
  2. There is a species of red eye bass native to the coosa river in GA and AL. I caught a few when I was a kid, freaky lookin eyes!
  3. Not always the "deepest" but if the water is hot a good place to look is in "deeper" water than youve caught them before...Especially if there's any cover close by. Now this isn't always the case, there are always exceptions. I've seen bass cruise from cover to cover like Sam said. That's what makes bass fishing a challenge , the hunt for the fish.
  4. Tilapia is a cichlid.
  5. Yep, get to deeper water, fish close to structure and fish early morning/late afternoon or night if you can.
  6. Water temp is a huge factor in how bass behave. From schooling in cold water, to spawn, to summer heat. Bass are warm water fish, but if it gets hot enough they'll often move to deeper water or find shade. There are some great articles here on BR on summer bassin you should read! As well as any other season lol
  7. Never had that happen, I have tried to set the hook when my drag was really loose for reasons that I can't remember. As for nasty backlashes... When I was first learning to use a baitcaster I threw a 1/2oz spinnerbait pretty hard down the bank of a pond, and on the edge of the bank was a metal pole. My bait nailed it, biggest backlash I've ever seen. I was mad, spent an hour trying to work it out and ended up cutting the line and respooling.
  8. Looks like tilapia
  9. Man I'm glad this thread was dug up, there's a lot of great info here!
  10. Cool video!
  11. They do, I've had better luck with the baby brush hogs though.
  12. They've been workin for me for several years, I throw em more than any other plastic.
  13. Zoom brush hog or baby brush hog!
  14. Thanks for this thread though, I'm makin a list of places to go in KS!
  15. What Chris at Tech said, plus anything in junebug and watermelon candy!
  16. Stren_g


    Zoom critter craw or brush hog in junebug
  17. I use stren brute strength 12#. I'm partial though bc my parents named me after the company lol
  18. Sounds like a good idea, gar love top water lures
  19. And I forgot to mention, try night fishing if you can!
  20. What you talking about is referred to as pressured water. Bass become much more weary, and it's my opinion that they can get used to seeing particular lures and avoid them. Bass look for anything out of place, any irregularity in the way a bait moves. Some ideas to catch fish in a pressured pond,lake...ect is to downsize your lure, and line. And slow down. Use the most natural looking lures you can. Try your best to match their natural forage. Move to areas that other people don't fish as often. And most of all have patience.
  21. Small poppers on a fly rod
  22. What Kevin said, I do well with white spinners in almost any condition.
  23. And still, if its important enough to need to feed your family then get a license and respect the laws so you can keep fish.
  24. You did what I would have done. There's a reason for slot limits. Some people have no respect for the fish, fishermen, or the sport.
  25. Getting skunked sucks, but it still beats working!
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