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Catch 22

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Everything posted by Catch 22

  1. Years ago Dicks considered a segment of their business to target female buyers only. But for some reason it didn`t fly? I think it had something to do with the name We have but one Dicks store within my range and they really don`t see me there much,but I wish them the best.
  2. The big get bigger http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/dicks-wins-auction-for-sports-authority-brand/ar-AAhOqFn?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp
  3. Look at the starter when you try to start.It sounds like the bendix is not kicking in properly ,hence the grinding + the screeching may be coming from the starter with dry bearings.Try some light oil lube or dry lubricant on the Bendix shaft.Just a tad
  4. Miss piggy,nice. 78`s one of my favs
  5. The 22058 is silicon [no oil].As far as lubing the impeller,that is not necessary at all.
  6. I use this silicon grease on just about all gaskets ,bolts ,nuts ,linkage ect. A coating of the grease allows gaskets to be re used many times. Great for thermostat housings too.10 years now and never any negative effects. Available at most auto stores.
  7. What a hoot,nice report.Great pix
  8. If your impeller has failed and come apart in pieces you might do well to remove the pisser tube fitting from the block after new pump is in.That may allow any pieces to flush out that would not go thru the tube.btdt fwiw. mud dauber bees often clog pee tubes
  9. What is this winterizing yall speak of.Kidding. I seldom do it because its 12 months of use for me. I check the color of the oil periodically and usually change it once a year. Maybe twice if its leaking. To echo others, fall would be the right time,but honestly,I have never seen or heard of a cracked LU because of freezing. Anyone?
  10. I always have a jaw spreader on board when in toothy critter country. Also I use a pokie stick more than pliers anymore. Mine are hand made aluminum flat bars with a slot cut into the tapered end. Its about a foot long.Put the hook shank in the slot,push and twist. https://www.google.com/search?q=pic+fish+jaw+spreader&biw=1120&bih=577&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjO5cjd4qPNAhWF7SYKHZutBPMQsAQIQQ
  11. That is some impressive catching WTG. Nice write up.I used to wade the Susky quite a bit yrs ago before the public found it.60 to 80 fish days were the norm. C22
  12. Often the Corp O E would and still does the winter draw downs sometime as much as 50' on flood control lakes. That is a good time to collect lures and information on structure. We used to take pictures which had to be developed to hard copies on paper. Wow how far have we come.
  13. All good ideas. For me, add a piece of stainless steel wire about 36" long.
  14. I would be happy with a trip like that.WTG
  15. If they are they same ling cod as in AK they are delicious.
  16. Wow wicked set of choppers. Let us know how it tastes
  17. The water I fish is very fast and deep.The shad seem to like the current seams and back eddies. I throw one inch twisters ,various colors ,on a 1/8 oz head. To get the distance and depth I use an inline sinker from 1/2 to 1 oz about 2 to 3 feet above the bait.Just toss it and let the current sweep it along without much motion. Maybe a little stroke here and there. Sometime they get crazy on the colors so keep switching to find the majic Hope this helps
  18. Man,that is hard core. Something stole my garter snake that accidently killed while mowing.I laid it on the back patio to scare the birds from pooping there..Two days later its gone.?
  19. I know of a charter capt here on the east coast that was fined $350 for violating the "impeding lawful fishing" law. Seems he was ticked about another charter that was fishing "his" spot in the Del bay,and he launched a rig along side the other boat and snagged all the lines. A certain guy on a tide river absolutely hates bass fishermen.He was on shore and I threw a jig his way that landed 10' from shore and 50' from him. He pronounced that to be assault so I reminded him that the number to call was 911. It was my first and last encounter with him. Best to all during this Memorial Day and a deep heart felt thank you to all who serve our country past and present. C22
  20. Sweet ,are you sure they were not rockfish
  21. Thanks all Yes we live in a gray zone here==rock /stripers Phila/Baltimore teams???
  22. I know it has bass but can`t add much to that.
  23. Incoming tide with this fish of many casts today +plus two shorts 34" no weight. I may have to get a few steaks for surf/turf dinner Wow that rain gear makes me look fat BTW it is a male,it was ozzing
  24. Beautiful fish, nice colors.I used to wade fish for flounder and did well with LC`s
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