DO NOT GET INTO A VARIABLE FLOATING LOAN,your rates will only go up.
Early on in a loan the interest is very high with principles very low.Gang up the principle payments as much as possible to cut years off the loan and to save a heap of cash. May sure your contract allows forward payments as such.
Meet the neighbors before you buy. Make sure theyr`e not anti fishing,ect,or have barky dogs.
Get a reliable home inspector researched and approved by yourself.
Get a thorough test of any septic systems
Get the water tested
Stay away from older houses with underground oil tanks and lead paint
Terms can be negotiable with the seller for things you may want or not want.Don`t be shy about asking. You have the checkbook. You are the lead dog.
Look at adjacent noise and odor possibilities [airports,farms,heavy industry,prison]
And a biggie for me,make sure you have a backyard area to take a pee without the neighbors calling the cops
Oh almost forgot,if something breaks,falls down,clogs up or needs repair,its on you
Best of luck and hope this helps
BTW I`ve had my own homes for over 45 yrs now and would not have it any other way.