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Catch 22

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Everything posted by Catch 22

  1. Yes,but not without $30 million dollar bonus check + stocks/bond options
  2. http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/tom-brady-beats-nfl-deflategate-court-case-judge-33505549
  3. http://time.com/4018879/farmer-catches-fish-with-drone/ Some one had to think of it. I wonder how trolling would work. Once upon a job, I saw laborer and an operator catching bluegills with a 60 ton cherry picker at a water treatment plant. They were between lifts with little else to do. They even had a fish fry one time. Ah, the fun days at work. C22
  4. Even though I fish way more salt than fresh water, I have to agree with A Jay to remain status quo.
  5. Catch some stripers migrating down the coast. Get thinkin about the fabulous fall cool/cold water smallies. Be thankful that the "tourons" will be leaving soon. Enjoy the weather without the gosh aweful heat/humidity,open the windows and not have the ac running.
  6. That statement is true of many salt species in my area. I don`t eat lmb or smb,but given a must do ,lmb would be my choice.I think the water quality has lots to do with taste. C22
  7. The fish was landed with a hook in a place other than in its mouth. It was snagged. To count it as a pb would be bitter sweet at best. Plus now we know.
  8. I seldom try them in the summer. Winter and spring is my time. 1/16 to 1.8 oz hair jigs /avocado/w spritz of orange on the bottom. 1-1/2" split tail grubs ==beetle spin like Discovered this last winter= Cut the Utail off a Zoom worm to about 1-1/2" add a small jig head My favorite would be an LC 65 jerk.They hit as hard as most winter bass do C22
  9. My boat was off line so I didn`t get to fish this one. The 2015 Flounder Pounder Tournament Winners Are: 1st Place - Peter Hesson - 5.8 lbs. 24.8 inches=====$10 K 2nd Place - Christian Andersen - 5.6 lbs. 24.5 inches===$ 2.5 K 3rd Place - Joe DiBart - 5.6 lbs. 23.5 inches====$ 1 K ... Stringer Division - Boat Name - Reel Friends. Captain - Mike Groff Total weight - 13.8lbs!!! Peter Hesson walked away with $12,550!!!!
  10. Sam endured well especially [imo] in that crappy shelter he built. The storm near the end of the stay beat him up and missing his wife finally got to him. Alan was greeted by a chopper with his wife aboard to present him with a check for $500 K to end the stay. Congrats Alan.I like his attitude toward the other competitors and life in general. His post talk reminded me of a death/back to life experience, with a new look on life and everything about it. Great show,one of the few by the History Ch that didn`t hype everything. C22
  11. OK its over. I will not post now in case there is a time zone lag for other followers. Can`t wait for the next challenge. C22
  12. In a drug store recently ,a family came in with a young boy about 12 yrs.He had no shirt on because of several blisters raised up the size of grapes frorm to much sun. I cringed because I had the same about his age. Back then sunblock was a tee shirt and ball cap. I hate the use of sunblock but more and more I yield to it. A wide straw hat and long sleeves work good for me.
  13. I`m sorry to hear of your problems SS. Get well and don`t over do it to soon. C22
  14. Getting a decent sleep in before any morning fishing trip.I wake up every 30/40 minutes all nite long. Ya think after 70 yrs I could get over that.
  15. Day 43 Shocker =Lucas, the creator that made the boat and the mandolin, the one with the best shelter, tapped out. Also Mitch tapped too. Sam was my pick to tap next, but no. Alan and Sam both declared a "no quit" status. Go Alan Go I think around day 50 the producers will call a draw, and split the loot. Male soap opera ! yes C22
  16. I have a1999 Lund 16-6 Pro V,50 hp Honda 4 stk used mainly in saltwater.I have been in some nasty rough water that was handled well by this rig,but note knowing how to use a boat in the rough is all important. Iv`e been twelve miles out in the ocean with no fear . I`m not to proud of one of the three floor panels that turned to mush, while the other two right next to it are fine?? Iv`e owned the boat for ten yrs now. I don`t buy boats as an investment ,I buy to use them. Zero leaks because of the rivet system Lund uses. Love the rig, would buy again C22
  17. In Philly they take the truck and the trailer locked or not.
  18. Ocean City MD White Marlin Open. Mostly for the heavy hitters $$$,but the smaller boats can take some cash too. Its a big deal down there every year. I may get into it next year, assuming I win the lottery. http://www.whitemarlinopen.com/leaders/ C22
  19. Wow,that catching is on fire . Nice pix C22
  20. Can anyone say for sure that Cecil was definitely the specific target of baiting ? If true ,that would give just cause for an uproar,but not to the degree it has reached. Why no dissension toward Zimbabwe for the death sale of 600 lions every year +all the other animals.? Maybe they should name all of them for extra income? BTW, how many from that country have any concern for problem issues here in the USA. Buy your Beane Baby Cecil here. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/cecil-lion-beanie-baby-unveiled-article-1.2314465 As for the airline thing I can`t truly express myself without getting the boot. C22
  21. Probably will top a million. Can you believe it https://philanthropy.com/article/Shooting-of-Cecil-the-Lion/232151
  22. Great Catchin,well worth the wait, ehh
  23. I remember it.I recall he was in a canal,right .
  24. Long ago up there [1980 ish ] A kid was throwing rocks ahead of my boat where we were fishing. He kept hitting closer to the boat,so I explained the possible consequence to him,then we decided to leave the area. It wasn`t worth the trouble it could cause. Hudson River ==coupla joggers went out of their way to come close to the water and spit at us and flip us off.We spoke about it and then laughed aloud and pointed at them.No further action required. I hope Mark gets some satisfaction. Keep in mind that some people don`t want the attention to their area ,nor do they care about the revenues created. I`m guilty of that to a certain extent. C22
  25. Fun4me.lmao I`d like to try some lion spare ribs with Sweet Baby Ray sauce. This one probably fell off the charts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtxPdkzmk_4
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