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Catch 22

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Everything posted by Catch 22

  1. CENSORED ===Now that is funny I used to like the nites when they were free lancing, far removed from any hole.. C22
  2. Another short afternoon trip. WT 39.5 deg. Vis about 6" to 8"=not great conditions. Several ponds were froze over. Only a few pickerel would take a jerk, so I went with the 1/4oz black hair jig bareback. 4 lmb,1 about 3Lbs 6 pike ==1 hog a few crappies and yellows. It was slow going,but wx was OK The banana head jig is more slime and weed free than the standard ball jigs I usually throw. Definitely my time of the year. C22
  3. Nice catch on the long day.I always wanted to fish that water, maybe some day still yet. Its winter,be happy with any pullage you can get.
  4. Yep,if you give that pair a decent try and don`t catch anything===they ain`t there. If the water is 15'=25' deep you should give the blades a good work out too. Its been my experience that smaliies don`t always use the deepest water available in the winter. C22
  5. Long ago I found a golf course near Clayton ,NY that was exceptional for them. Not sure how the greens keeper would feel about that. Best places I ever found was by driving around after a rain. They look like straw strewn on the road.. I just used a whisk broom to sweep them into a flat edge container. For some reason they seem to much faster than ever before:]
  6. My condolences. Remember the good times you two had together. C22
  7. Squatter Sand Bar Drop Off Braidlyn
  8. The one on the left is a 120 volt Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter, GFCI,found in every kitchen and bath room.$16 On the right is a wireless keyboard mouse. Note cut out for the wheel.$5.00 shipped. I love "reverse engineering" [tearing things apart to see how they work]. If you want to see something amazing, look into a truck/car door lock actuator.
  9. Thanks for the kind words. She is taking chemo therapy . It has been a life changer for this family. Bluebird skies today, no fishing
  10. I was with my wife most of the day.She has been ill and wanted to get out. Time well spent. I got in 2-1/2 hrs on the water going into dark.The wind was really kickin as were the fish. About 7 lmb +one about 4 lbs lost on a pulled hook. Some yellows and the pickerel went wild.Didn`t count`em, at least 20 incl 1 over 24". Love these snot rockets,they hit hard,fight hard and eat many different baits. What more does an angler need.They have been deadly this year on my jerks,having lost 6 already. A substantial front moved thru during the main bite.I was jerkin till I recalled about using black hair jigs on these occasions. A 1/4 jig worked fairly aggressively in the 42/43 deg water was majic.They just hammered it. Not sure what it means to them. Had to laugh/curse at myself. I swept the net across the deck getting ready for use. Trouble is it picked up 6 jerk baits. 15 mins to cure that one. Next time to use the net my reel handle hangs in it.I`ll admit to being excited. I said aloud "you have to do better". Definite pattern on these ponds=====the windier the better. Wed wx shows 16 to 20 knots all day. I won`t sleep tonite:] C22
  11. I used hammer smallies with paddle tails in the river down to about 38 deg. .3"Cocohoe minnows avacado/red glitter by H & H lures was a favorite.
  12. They are not related to each other for useage. .Millions and millions of people use the one on the right every day
  13. Dogs are great=never liked poo pickin or vet bills. Liabilities accompany certain breeds.They need fed also. The door is metal,no panels to kick out.I replaced all hinge screws with 3" ones that extend into the stud frame,on through the jam.The lags are set 3" deep into the middle stud of 3 on each side. Had to use a 12" screw driver to set them.The dead bolt plate has 4" screws as does the strike plate.The door contacts the tube 4" from the eye.It is not going to bend. Nobody is coming through that door without raising considerable noise and spending lots of time.Thats the objective. The door is never used for entry.Plenty other ways to exit in a hurry. The hood is not that bad,but like virtually every town and community,we have our share of drug scum to protect against. In my life I have found a radio turned on at a medium level to be very effective at throwing doubt whether some one is home or not.Friends would tell me I heard the radio but you must have been asleep. I have a professional security system that proved to be valuable a few days ago. Not a break in but another story. Maybe this thread will enlighten some readers about things to do even if they don`t like my setup Thanks for all the replies,I`m done C22
  14. LED ,good catch ,your getting close
  15. Aside from all the other home security which I indulge in,I became concerned about the rear garage door,which is far removed from my bedroom. Quick simple and cheap @$5.50 Only takes a few seconds to place or remove the tube. two 3/8" x 3" lag eyebolts 5' x 3/4" trade size electrical conduit, actual size=7/8" OD How do you secure your place
  16. Aside from all the other home security Only takes a few seconds to place or remove the tube.
  17. THE BEATLES LYRICS Play Music with Radiorage - Download "When I'm Sixty Four" When I get older losing my hair Many years from now Will you still be sending me a valentine Birthday greetings, bottle of wine? If I'd been out till quarter to three Would you lock the door? Will you still need me, will you still feed me When I'm sixty-four? You'll be older too And if you say the word I could stay with you I could be handy, mending a fuse When your lights have gone You can knit a sweater by the fireside Sunday mornings go for a ride Doing the garden, digging the weeds Who could ask for more? Will you still need me, will you still feed me When I'm sixty-four? Every summer we can rent a cottage in the Isle of Wight If it's not too dear We shall scrimp and save Grandchildren on your knee Vera, Chuck & Dave Send me a postcard, drop me a line Stating point of view Indicate precisely what you mean to say Yours sincerely, wasting away Give me your answer, fill in a form Mine for evermore Will you still need me, will you still feed me When I'm sixty-four? Ho! =========Always been a catchy tune for me. Guess I have to pick a new song cause I cleared the 64 hurdle long ago
  18. The back of them are typical printed circuit boards. To be honest, the costs for the work involved is amazing. If your anything more than a caveman you have used both of these items. C22
  19. Common house items
  20. Hard decision. I love a jig bite,usually 1/8 oz black .
  21. Awesome fish.Your right probably the fattest I have seen Congrads
  22. Thanks.Yep no swimming here either.30 mins with an extendable boat hook dredged it up.Now for the clean up.
  23. A week ago the wt was 49,then the bottom dropped out.2 days ago at midnite it was 11 degrees and being the second cold nite,froze my local waters . Toady temps moderated and a scouting trip revealed 1/2 of my favorite place was still frozen. WTHeck.I put the boat in and proceeded to catch 10 pickerel,2 perch @ 13.5"+3 smaller ones,1 crappie and the bonus was a 2.5 lb lmb.The hot lure was a1/16 oz light brown/w pinch of white hair jig. I made only 1 of them experiment with and of course a pickerel bit it off. Most of the piks took a 3.5" jerk. Not bad for 2 hrs on the water. Negative note I lost a rod in 6' depth. Will be searching for it in the morn. C22
  24. You didn`t mention the wx from one day to next. Did something change. Also if you fished the same area, fish that got stung may be just checking it out, without total commitment. As mentioned smaller baits may help. C22
  25. This brings back some memories. I used to fish an old stone quarry that filled up. Some real nice gills in there. I cranked one up and a bass about 7 or 8 lbs grabbed it. A minor tug o war ensued before it let go. I tried for that bass all year=nada. I saw a feeding frenzy one day when catalpa worms were emerging only to hit the water. I used to have a pond where I would hang road kills on a pole in the water. When the maggots would start dropping ,it was chow time. Its hard to beat a meal of cold water gills. LS13 good luck catching the trophy. Check these pix https://www.google.com/search?q=fla+record+bluegill&biw=1108&bih=529&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwisktDtnZTKAhVKQiYKHcPHC94QsAQIKQ C22
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