1989 Ranger 361V with a 2000 Yamah VMax 150 HPDI. I bough tth eboat used for a good price but ended up doing everybit of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance on the boat an motor that wasn;t done in who knows how many years. It took until this month (July 13) to get every thing firing on all cylinders the way it should be. I bought the boat in late March of 13. She scoots along at at GPS'd top speed of right at 58 MPH with my best at 54.7 knots or 63 MPH. I don't run it wide open though. Had to rework a bunch of wiring, the Garmin GPS unit just went, the display will not work but the unit does. If I jiggle the wires to the screen it will display intermittently. Replaced ALL of the filters on the motor( to include 'Mystery filters), the LP fuel pumps, Spark Plugs, Water pump, PRV (poppet) valve, de-carboned the engine, lower unit lube to name a few. Repaired live well valves back into operation (remote operated) and pumps, replaced wiring to front fish finder, re glued exisitn gcarpet in spots (waiting to replace all eventually). There still is a lot of little work to do but nothing that keeps it from being operational. After nto having a boat fro many years it sure is nice to have this one and not have th ehuge bill of a new one! (Although the wife was at the point of "one more repair and it's getting sold" luckily I got that under control with the new water pump!).
Any way enough rambling. I love fishing, especially bass fishing, I'm new to this site and making a resurgance to Bass fishing but have been fishing for more than two decades now. Look forward to the site!.