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Everything posted by pawnature

  1. pawnature


    From the album: My Bass Raider

  2. pawnature

    My Bass Raider

  3. pawnature


    From the album: My Bass Raider

  4. pawnature


    From the album: My Bass Raider

  5. pawnature


    From the album: My Bass Raider

  6. I have a 4,5 Evinrude that will flex the transom pretty bad if you open it up. I had to reinforce the transom in order to use it properly. [
  7. pawnature


    From the album: My Bass Raider

  8. From the album: My Bass Raider

  9. From the album: My Bass Raider

    Transom Modification
  10. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/user/43895-pawnature/?tab=gallery Hate to but may have to sell this if anyone is interested.
  11. I am 61 years old and own a Bass Raider 10E and use my Toyota Tundra to haul it around all the time. Loading and unloading it by myself with not problem. I do have a harbor freight trailer though that I have used for a while also, just makes it a lot easier getting it in and out of the water with a 4.5 outboard. As for standing and fishing, I have done it but not much of a fan for this even on a big boat.
  12. Same here. The most I've use with hard fishing all day was 20%
  13. I've got my raider up for sale on Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=111131125574
  14. I'v got the Bass Raider 10E with a 4.5 outboard and have never had a bit of problem with water, except for rain. When I'm on the lake though I never hit a boat wave head on which I wouldn't do in any small boat. The Raider rides higher in the water to compared to the hound.
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