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Airborne Bass

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Everything posted by Airborne Bass

  1. I have a *** black 7'1 M F with the LEWS tournament pro speed spool 7.1:1. I love it. I am sure you're going to enjoy you combo! AB
  2. If you have a Gander Mountain near by, I would get the *** rod through them and then buy their warranty for the rod. If anything happens to your rod in the first 30 days, you just have to go to the store and get and exchange. After 30 days, call their 1-800 number and file a claim and within a week(if its approved) they will send out a gift card for the amount of the rod plus the amount for the warranty. That being said, I love my ***. It's my weightless plastic rod and just feel so nice and crisp. I have the 7'1" MF. I'm pretty harsh with gear and its held up pretty well. AB
  3. Thank you every one for the warm welcome!
  4. Thanks, Tuckahoe Joe and Jeff!
  5. Darren, this place is a gold mine of info! I see you're a kayaker also! Just got my pescador 12 this year. I'm already looking into to the Jackson cudas for next year!
  6. Edit: I read minnow as your name. Sorry, Talon!
  7. Thanks for the advice, Minnow. T rigged senkoss has been my confidence rig, but it just has not been producing lately. I did get a good ~6lbs bass( its a fishing story, so you know it was probly smaller lol) in late April during the rain. Went out to Jordan lake on my kayak last week and got skunked there too. It was fun though. My arms were dead though and I could barley through out a line. Lol.
  8. Hey, everyone! Just started bass fishing this year. Still trying to learn. bassresource's video has been pretty much my virtual teacher. That dude knows his craft! I've been pretty much fishing a small pond/lake by my house and with the summer heat it's been tough to even getting a hit. Tried T-Rig, spinners, jerk bait and had sporadic success. I've been only been able to fish the afternoon, so I'm pretty sure the daytime heat is a major reason I've not been able to catch anything. I'll be trying some a drop shot and see if that works. I've got a lot to learn, but its been fun trying to figure it out!
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