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Everything posted by Kevin22

  1. Smallies love flicker shads and shad raps.
  2. Sensation is co-poly and sinks. Don't want the OP to get confused on that.
  3. I haven't noticed much stretch with sufix siege and trilene xt. Sufix elite and trilene xl are like rubber bands.
  4. By the way, so we don't all get confused. 90 degrees is straight out in front of you. A circle is full motion from your feet. Your feet are at 0º, head is 180º, straight out in front of you would be 90º, straight out behind you would be 270º, back at your feet again is the full 360º. The only way 90º is up is if you are laying on your back.
  5. No, not even close! Get the fish below you and reel down as far as possible, then with one quick motion you swing the fish up and over the wall and fence. Rod ends up straight above you (180º). If you hold the rod out and reel you will lose the fish almost every time.
  6. Reel down as far as possible and then swing in one hard motion straight up in the air. Rod ends up straight up and down (180º). The same motion of a boat flip only 18 feet higher.
  7. I still don't believe the boat-flip rod breaking theory. I flip walleye, catfish, and drum up a 15-20 foot wall with spinning and casting gear year around. I can flip a 3lb sheep up a 20' rod with a ML spinning rod without it breaking.. why can't you lift a 4# fish with a H flippin stick 2 feet into the boat? Being on the safe side, I can account for at least 700 fish so far this year that I have "boat flipped", most up the 15' wall. No rod breakage. Now figure about 1000 fish a year for the last 10 years. That's 10,000 fish flipped up a 15' wall with no rod breakage. So keep right on telling me the 2' flip into your boat will snap that rod every time! I'm not using ugly sticks either, so don't give me that excuse.
  8. Its the uneducated (referring to the use of a high dollar rod) people misusing the rod. A friend of mine swears by the cheap pflueger president combo. Works great for him, he catches a lot of fish! He went and bought an *** black this spring, his first expensive rod. The first fish he caught was a freshwater drum, probably a pound or so I'd guess. What did he do? Swung it over and high-sticked the rod to swing the fish into his hands. Yep, SNAP!. Then a 5 minute cussing spree of how that rod is a piece of crap and that he wasted $120. Some don't understand that when you get a high quality rod they are thinner and more sensitive. You can't abuse them like you can a $30 walmart special.
  9. Saw a guy paddle lock his trailer to the ball once. All it would have taken was one pull of the pin and the whole ball assembly would have came right out, then stick it into your truck and off you go.
  10. Lowrance elite 4x HDI
  11. Punctuation is key to understanding what you are talking about. Are you saying that states are pushing for BUI laws? What states do not have that already? Louisiana probably, and texas maybe? I know Illinois has it, actually transfers over to your drivers license if you get a BUI arrest. IA, IL, MN, WI, all have it, but that is all i am familiar with. Or did you mean "There are states that are pushing legislation for boating laws similar to those for driving*COMMA* under the influence and tragedies like this only fuel that fire" Two totally different points....
  12. Contact the seller and get your money back.
  13. And you would have been cited and lost your fishing privileges for a while, just like the people who did sell the bass. The DNR doesn't care what you do with the money, if you are not acting under their direct orders then you'll be cited.. even if you give the money away.
  14. Yeah you can
  15. You haven't found the fish. Panfish aren't everywhere.... like bass, they only hang in certain areas.
  16. Crankbait. Keep moving until I find some active fish.
  17. I see stripes on that fish..... Blow up the image and you can see a distinct stripe pattern. That is a tiger musky.
  18. Depends on how deep you are cranking. If you are throwing shallow square bills then your set-up would be correct. 20# braid for accuracy and the 20# leader for strength and abrasion resistance when pulling through cover.
  19. Talk to the mechanic. He should have insurance against theft at his place of business.
  20. What do you mean you don't have time to get it fixed? You just heat it with a lighter, pull it off, put a dab of hot glue on the rod, and put the tip back on. 2 minute fix. DSG has good sales. Almost always a sale on line. Either trilene or sufix. Always good to check weekly!
  21. Caught a bunch today fishing the main river below the dam. A 1/2 rat-l-trap wouldn't even shake going downstream. Had to get parallel and slow roll it upstream. The bass where there though.
  22. Grease gears oil bearings. I grease my worm gear as well (supposed to use a thick oil). I suggest hot sauce brand for both. I left all of my lews out in the rain one night a couple weeks ago and they were all good as new the next morning.
  23. I found the bluegills yesterday in 8-12 FOW. Drop shot with the gulp mini earthworms produced again. Caught probably 60 as fast as I could drop it down.
  24. 5# is plenty. Learn to thumb the spool with heavy-hook baits on the hookset.
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