Finally got the problem with the starter in our outboard fixed so got out to Occoquan today. Only the second time I've been able to get out since getting back from college 2 weeks ago. Got a lot of catching up to do. This reports nothin special but figured some of you might be curious. Gave in to their requests and headed out with 2 friends that are girls . So as you could guess I was on my own as far as piecing together any kind of pattern. Water was still real muddy, probably a foot of visibility. Water temps were 64-66. Pretty windy too which didnt help. Was able to pull in 5. Missed another 4 or so, a little rusty on my hooksets and fishing in general :-/. Should be able to fix that now that I got my boat back. Biggest I estimated around 2 lbs, maybe a tad larger she was pretty fat. Bleeding some so just got one quick pic and didnt bother with the scale. Another about a pound and a half the other 3 were dinks. Only thing I could get them to take was a wacky rigged watermelon worm. I got the season launch pass again this year and Bull Run key so I'll be up there a decent amount this summer. Sometimes I've got an open seat, I'd love to get together with some of yall and learn some new tricks. Anybody been out to the Res lately? I'm curious how others are doing. I plan on heading out again tomorrow. Heres a few pics from today
The 2 lber
My "fishin buddies"
One of the monsters caught today. He had a big appetite