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Everything posted by VABasser

  1. Anybody get out yesterday or today? I got out with my dad yesterday, lake was real crowded. We ended up landing about 15 or so. A couple of 2's and I got a 3 lber. Others were mostly dinks. Didnt bother with pics for the 2 lbers, probably would've with the 3 lber but I had hooked her deep so just wanted to get her in the water quick. Water temps were about 78. A little slow but not a bad day. Probably gonna try Occoquan again this week, maybe twice.
  2. Sorry probably too late for tips but I plan on going out there tomorrow. How'd you end up doing today?
  3. Haha well I was atleast attempting to fish some. I went downlake yesterday because from what I was reading on here that sounded best. Figured I'd try uplake today but now Im not so sure. Matt I shot you a PM. Hopefully I'll have some luck today, I'll fill you all in.
  4. Finally got the problem with the starter in our outboard fixed so got out to Occoquan today. Only the second time I've been able to get out since getting back from college 2 weeks ago. Got a lot of catching up to do. This reports nothin special but figured some of you might be curious. Gave in to their requests and headed out with 2 friends that are girls . So as you could guess I was on my own as far as piecing together any kind of pattern. Water was still real muddy, probably a foot of visibility. Water temps were 64-66. Pretty windy too which didnt help. Was able to pull in 5. Missed another 4 or so, a little rusty on my hooksets and fishing in general :-/. Should be able to fix that now that I got my boat back. Biggest I estimated around 2 lbs, maybe a tad larger she was pretty fat. Bleeding some so just got one quick pic and didnt bother with the scale. Another about a pound and a half the other 3 were dinks. Only thing I could get them to take was a wacky rigged watermelon worm. I got the season launch pass again this year and Bull Run key so I'll be up there a decent amount this summer. Sometimes I've got an open seat, I'd love to get together with some of yall and learn some new tricks. Anybody been out to the Res lately? I'm curious how others are doing. I plan on heading out again tomorrow. Heres a few pics from today The 2 lber My "fishin buddies" One of the monsters caught today. He had a big appetite
  5. I've been wanting to night fish Burke for a while. When are you all planning on going I might be able to make it or if not this time maybe another. BTW I do have a boat and if I dont go with a buddy I'd have room for one
  6. Yep me and Phil will be heading out on Thursday. Hunting Run for sure, I talked to my dad last night and found out somethigns up with the outboard so we gotta get that checked out :. So I guess electric only lakes for a bit. Anybody have a favorite outboard mechanic or place to get one checked out around the Fredericksburg area?
  7. I've got one final left then heading home on Wednesday. Definitely gonna go out Thursday, probably Friday, Sat and Sun . Got to catch up on everything I've been missing out on. I'm wondering what the bass are up to. Have they made their main push onto the beds? I'm sure there are bass in all three stages but what's the majority seem like theyre doing. I'll probably hit Hunting Run first, depending on how I do there maybe Occ Res the next day. I'll fill you in on how I do, ahhhhhh cant wait to be back out on the water.
  8. thetr20one, is that a smallie in your pic? That thing is a monster
  9. Windy conditions are probably my least favorite, hate fighting the wind. Got a question for you all. When faced with wind and the bows in your line, how do you combat this. I know holding your rod tip down helps some. Do you just try to either cast with or against the wind? I definitely need to work on adapting better to windy conditions
  10. The rattles I put in my tube really attract more females. I just let my live worm dangle here. Will you hold my Fat Ika real fast. My nightcrawler's got a lot of wriggle in him. ;D haha funny thread. Me and my buddies are always laughing about Fat Ika's and catching them on our 'live bait'
  11. Would any of the local tackle shops carry the cicada baits? I'd prefer not having to pay shipping for ebay
  12. Nice smallie. I'd go with 2 lbs
  13. Holy crap nice fish. Yeah I have no idea how you caught that with no leader. Bet it was a sick fight
  14. Sick picture. I like the Curado
  15. Speaking of Dalton's Pond, I fished it a few times last year. It's still accessible, atleast for me or my dad (Marine Corps). Maybe it is because we got ID's and stickers but not to the general public anymore? We caught a decent number, they were all just dinks though. Its a nice little pond no doubt.
  16. Are you talking a navigational map or a true Topo as put out by the USGS? I'd love a true topo. I was gonna look into one with the USGS over spring break but ran out of time
  17. Yep I love the rain too. In the hot summer it cools things off, clears the lake of most other boats, usually turns the bite on and its usually very quiet and serene
  18. I assume you're talking about Bull Run. I have caught some smallies while wading Bull Run but when I ran up it I was surprised/dissapointed that I only hooked up with largemouth. Matt, I've been trying to find one too, no luck. :-/
  19. When you say upriver I assume you mean Occoquan river and not Bull Run correct? I've never gone up the Occoquan very far but I have ran up Bull Run as far as possible. Towards the end there are some good sized rocks that I didnt see on the way up . Lucky I didnt hit one of those.
  20. LMAO, got me laughing on that one. love the white out ;D
  21. Hmm, I've only encountered a game warden twice in VA and both times it was wading the Rapp. I would've been good on everything but emergency aids/devices, we have no flare gun or radio in our boat. :-/ Is it mandatory or some new reg because I don't remember those being necessary last year?
  22. Do you know if there's a fee to launch there. I know the launches on Quantico are all free. Where exactly does it put you on the Potomac, on the main river or in a cove or creek? Just wondering because my dad's in the Marine Corps so I have access
  23. Wayne, I think I definitely need to try your way of wacky rigging. I'm trying to see from the pictures how you do it. It looks like the head of the hook is partially embedded into the worm, is that so? Do you ever wacky rig senkos weedless that way or just the Zoom finesse worms with flakes? Thanks
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