BassCat or Phoenix in the 19-20' range. I have a 20' Puma with a Pro XS on it. It is very fast but from the simplicity and mechanical aspect of it if I could do it over again I would go four stroke. I bought mine used with 40 hours on it for just over 30. Wether you pick new or used find something with a warranty. These outboard repairs are much more than what your tracker had. I came from a Pro 165 tracker and got the cat for the same reasons . Be aware, having a big glass boat is WAY different. Even besides the obvious things like speed and stability, there are other things like fuel cost, oil and additive costs. Also, glass is a lot less forgiving. if you bump a dock you can do some damage that's expensive to repair.
If you are fishing electric only lakes, the 36 Volt trolling motor may be a good idea. My boat does on with the 82# 24V. As far as electronics, play around with them and see which interface you like better, then make your choice on screen size. Theyre like TVs, you will not regret getting a larger graph, only smaller.
The biggest thing that I can stress is that EVERYTHING to do with owning a glass boat is expensive.
Towing- They're a lot heavier thus costing more fuel to tow, also dual axle trailers cost more for tolls.
Insurance- Much higher. Make sure you get an AGREED HULL VALUE policy. Check out Progressive with the propulsion plus rider.
2 Stroke Oil. Mercury DFI oil is $40 a gallon and it goes fast along with the fuel. A short day for me may be 10 gallons of fuel alone.
I don't mean to deter you from this. Just trying to pass what I have learned in the past year of going from tin to glass. Honestly, I am considering selling mine due to cost of operation and that I am more afraid to damage something than fish and enjoy the boat.
Whatever you do, make sure you research, and ride in each boat, but again be aware these things are a lot more money to own.