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    Philly Burbs
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three

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Short Fish (4/9)



  1. Order from the BassCat parts store. They use 24oz carpet that will hold up better.
  2. Just saw the ad on Philly Craig's list. Absolutely a scam.
  3. You must be thinking of another club. There isn't anyone named Jack in Chester County Bass Masters. At least not in the almost three years I've been there. I agree. We are in kind of a dead zone for bass fishing. Marsh Creek has some big ones in it but it's usually heavily pressured and crowded. NJ has some OK waters for a smaller boat.
  4. I used to have a DX702C. It's more of a BFS rod. It will cast those things fine but hook setting power is probably not enough. 703 or 743 is the rod you want. 702 was better for open hook tubes and keitechs on a ball head jig.
  5. I am a member. Who is your friend?
  6. You're not too far from me then. Check out Chester County Bassmasters if you're interested in the club/tournament thing.
  7. Marsh Creek if you're near Chester County. There's also a ton of electric only lakes in NJ.
  8. They make water tight rivets. Has something to do with how they are pulled when installing them, there isnt rubber or sealant on them. Why not just replace the rivets? http://www.directindustry.com/prod/gesipa-blindniettechnik-gmbh/product-4469-417795.html
  9. I think my head just exploded reading that. You my friend, might be on the verge of insanity. (no offense) You're making it harder than it has to be. Throw a natural colored crankbait in a depth range slightly deeper than the water depth. Cast out, reel in, deflect it off of things, catch fish. If the fish are only small find a place with known larger fish. I cant fish plastics for the life of me, but give me a crank or spinnerbait and its on. I like the DT series but have other brands. Usually a DT6 in fire tiger or shad color. Thats it. Sometimes the fish like it to run a little weird too. Have you tried tuning the line tie? Are you using a spinning reel?
  10. Like Tim I have the 610M. I use it for jerk baits. Paired with a Core 50Mg7 it just floats in your hand. Ive thought about selling itbecause I don't use it that much but every time I do I get that wow factor again. The reel seat is great, the foam is nice, plenty sensitive. the 610M is a little more stout, almost a MH. Suposedly the 66M is a lot different.
  11. Any brands that have holes for your nose? I hate how they fog my glasses up if pulled over my nose. I wear one every time out. Gloves and sleeves too if im not wearing long sleeves.
  12. Check out Pro-Tec. They make a whole product system to use. I use the sealer twice a year and every time I get off of the water I use Eagle 1 wax as you dry and wipe the boat down with that. Adding heat to the wax will only melt it off. http://protecproducts.com
  13. While you may have been lucky, the $13 saved per gallon isn't worth the potential of the damage that may occur. I agree that it MAY not hurt it, but for that money I don't think I could take the chance for something that important. I work in the automotive field and see way too many things that are "just as good as OEM" fail and cause trouble. With something as critical as engine lubrication, I would rather be safe than sorry and trust the manufacturer.
  14. BassCat or Phoenix in the 19-20' range. I have a 20' Puma with a Pro XS on it. It is very fast but from the simplicity and mechanical aspect of it if I could do it over again I would go four stroke. I bought mine used with 40 hours on it for just over 30. Wether you pick new or used find something with a warranty. These outboard repairs are much more than what your tracker had. I came from a Pro 165 tracker and got the cat for the same reasons . Be aware, having a big glass boat is WAY different. Even besides the obvious things like speed and stability, there are other things like fuel cost, oil and additive costs. Also, glass is a lot less forgiving. if you bump a dock you can do some damage that's expensive to repair. If you are fishing electric only lakes, the 36 Volt trolling motor may be a good idea. My boat does on with the 82# 24V. As far as electronics, play around with them and see which interface you like better, then make your choice on screen size. Theyre like TVs, you will not regret getting a larger graph, only smaller. The biggest thing that I can stress is that EVERYTHING to do with owning a glass boat is expensive. Towing- They're a lot heavier thus costing more fuel to tow, also dual axle trailers cost more for tolls. Insurance- Much higher. Make sure you get an AGREED HULL VALUE policy. Check out Progressive with the propulsion plus rider. 2 Stroke Oil. Mercury DFI oil is $40 a gallon and it goes fast along with the fuel. A short day for me may be 10 gallons of fuel alone. I don't mean to deter you from this. Just trying to pass what I have learned in the past year of going from tin to glass. Honestly, I am considering selling mine due to cost of operation and that I am more afraid to damage something than fish and enjoy the boat. Whatever you do, make sure you research, and ride in each boat, but again be aware these things are a lot more money to own.
  15. I highly doubt it. That would be a warranty item at best. My advise to you if you do not have any motor warranty is to plan on putting aside or having access to $2500-5k. These motors are extremely expensive to repair and will break. A buddy of mine just had to shell out 3k for a compressor repair and another had an injector go killing his powerhead for 7k.
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