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Everything posted by DogBone_384

  1. Yep ... September's here. I hit 3 ponds in Plymouth today, netting two PB's. I caught my first tiger trout and a 2.79 brown trout. I also nabbed 3 LMB, with the biggest just a shade under three pounds and one SMB that came in at 2.73 pounds. Everyone was caught in 20' or deeper water. Brownie ate a Tennessee shad Zako paddle tail, tiger whopped a perch 3XD, and everyone else took a 1/4 oz micro jig with a Tiny Paca Chunk trailer. All in all a good day. Water temps were 75.x - 76.x, winds were 5-10 from the E / SE, and air pressure was 30.3.
  2. Same here in New England ... OPEN or FROZEN ....
  3. I've never had to think about it. I've only travelled with my boat in New England and stay at our timeshares. If there's ever a time where I might need to consider security ... I belong to a Filipina .... no problem ....
  4. Does the younger membership know who Twiggy is?
  5. It just proves, once again, that most of us over-think it…. Myself included. Congrats to the kid!
  6. Dropped into my home pond around supper time. I kept it simple: no electronics, a frog, jig, T-rigged worm, and Zoom Fluke. My weather APP said the winds would die down by 1700 hours, but no go. Winds were 8-10 from the West, which makes for a fast drift. The water level is also down a lot from a month ago, making the weeds meet the surface over most of the pond. I don't think I stayed even two hours. I managed one LMB, a shade under two pounds, on the jig. Good enough just to beat the skunk.
  7. I average 100+ (ish) bass a SEASON, which is open water for me.
  8. Is your house/car/college debt paid for? Do you have at least $1,000,000 in your retirement investments? The fish don't care what reel you're using. Guess it didn't help ...😉
  9. If it weren't for the abundance of perch in my area, this Summer would have been a bust. The bass I caught were small. I guess they went deeper than I fished. That, and I probably didn't fish slow enough.
  10. We're still a couple weeks behind you down here in SE Mass. The nights are getting cooler and longer, but as of last week the water temps were still in the high 70's and my bass are still deep. I'm seeing larger groups of geese than the last few years and my local animals are busy feeding. I'm figuring we're in for a 'real' winter and the bass feed bag is going to be fast and furious.
  11. I finally got @Fishing Rhino out on his Nitro yesterday. We stayed pretty close to his home, fishing a big, shallow, crowded lake. It didn't matter, Tom was out fishing. The best part of all is he nabbed a nice 4_1 LMB on one of his favorite soft baits. So you old timers out there ... ... Tom's still at it.
  12. No. I'm not spending that kind of money for electronics. I don't fish tournaments or lakes big enough for it to be useful.
  13. Took a couple short trips the last few days. The first was my home pond. I threw a 1/2 ounce punch jig, 6.8" Keitech, a frog, and a Yamamoto Kut Tail. The jig netted me a 2 pound LMB from a hole between the lili pads and a rock. Water temps were 81.x Yesterday's trip was to Plymouth. One LMB liked a 5" perch Senko. The rest of the crew, 2 more LMB and 1 SMB smashed a perch 3XD. I lost a good smallie on a pink/clear tube in 30' and a bigger 'who knows what' that crushed a Shimano Flash Boost deep jerkbait. Number two was lost because of line failure. Water temps were 79.x. Fall is fast approaching!
  14. This ^^^^^^^^ And welcome to the BassResource ... the biggest bass family ... period.
  15. Dropped into one of my Plymouth favorites late yesterday. Bagged 2 SMB, each around 2 1/2 pounds and 2 white perch, around 3/4 pounds each. I lost 2 SMB on bad hooksets. All the smallies wanted was a Siebert 3/8 oz bluegill jig w/3.3" Bandito Bug trailer. They were in 30'. Water temps were 82.x, it was mostly sunny with a light breeze from the west, and the air pressure was 29.9.
  16. Yeah …. No. That’s just about my mortgage payment.
  17. what part of the state are you in?
  18. I fish the South Shore, Plymouth, and Cape Cod. All but one pond is the highest I've seen it in years.
  19. I fished 4 ponds for my last Summer trip to the Cape. Almost the same results as my last trip. I got three good LMB on a green pumpkin Swim Senko at one, one nice rainbow at another, and the rest were dink perch. I dragged an LV500 and drop shot deep in two ponds, still no bass. Other than that I threw my 'normal' assortment of everything I could think of. Water temps were 83.x - 84.x and air pressure was 29.9 - 30. I'm probably going to stay shallow for the rest of the month. Maybe some frog action? I've never done much frogging.
  20. Your wife is DEFINITELY NOT a Filipina….🤣 I’m 57. If they’re biting, I’ll stay until further notice, but if they’re not, three or four hours is all I’ll fish.
  21. Winter and Spring were very good. Late Spring and Summer have been dink-city with perch outnumbering bass. I've not been out as much as usual in June & July. I've focused on jigs a lot more this year, with moderate success, but the jerkbait is my #1 lure by FAR (thanks @Saltysmalljaws). I have a FeelFree Lure and troll a jerkbait, snapping it frequently. It's very effective in locating fish.
  22. Dropped into my home pond late yesterday afternoon, bringing a jig, Kut Tail worm, 4.75" Rage Swimmer, and frog. I drove away with 2 LMB, one just under and another just over 2 pounds. The first bass smashed my jig and the second took the paddle tail. I got a few hits on the frog, including one GOOD one, but nobody took it home. Water temps were 80.x, it was cloudy, and the air pressure 30.1. @Mr. Aquarium's been on a slump lately, so I've planned on meeting him at a SMB kettle after work tonight that's a guarantee.
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