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About Bomber7

  • Birthday September 9

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bellevue Nebraska
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Walnut Creek Papillion NE
  • Other Interests
    Hunting (Deer, Turkey, Pheasant, Duck and Geese)

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  • About Me
    My name is Doug and I am a retired Air Force Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technican.  Currently work for DHS/TSA as an Explosives Specialist in Omaha NE.

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  1. My 97 Stratos 175 hp Evinrude - I named her Bomber7 - that was my call sign when I was in Iraq in 05 - I'm a retired Air Force Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician
  2. Got my first bass boat ... well it's a step up from my little 8 foot pond boat ... this is a 97 Stratos, runs great ... haven't had it out that much as the weather here in Nebraska hasn't cooperated much. Named her Bomber7 too - that's been my user name on many forums ... I'm a retired AF Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician (Bomb tech) and the number seven is for my favorite baseball player Mickey Mantle
  3. Retired Air Force Explosive Ordnance Disposal tech - 21 years service (1985 - 2006) and two wars
  4. I have a Sun Dolphin Sportsmen so I think the seat bases are different but what I did to mine was cut an old garden hose and slipped it over the seat rails - it makes it slide easier and doesn't dig into the plastic boat. The Sun Dolphin seat rails are solid steal so after one or two times out when I first got it I noticed it was digging in and cutting it up so what not much but I thought long term I would have problems. So I did the hose trick and it works great. Hope this is helpful.
  5. Hey lilsweeper - I purchased a MK TM bracket off e-bay for $30 - if you don't mind spending that much - it works great for my rudder - I sure there are pictures of it on this thread but you'll have to search for them. If not let me know and I'll try to repost them. Actually I'm thinking of doing a video of all the mods I've done to my boat since I first got it 2 years ago.
  6. I purchased a small 12v battery to use for my Lowrance Elite 3X finder - works great
  7. you wouldn't happen to have a picture of it - I'm also thinking of upgrading from a Hummingbird Fishing Buddy to a better finder. Thanks
  8. I have the same boat and have a 55lb mounted on the bow - since they didn't put a steal mounting plate on the bow like they did in the stern I took two small pieces of sheet metal and mounted them and then mount the TM to that. Works great - also have a bigfoot switch on the pilewood floor I put in - let's me control it but I still have to steer with my hand. Through out this thread I have posted pictures if you can sort through the pages and find them - if not hit me up on IM and I can share them - I have done lots of mods to my boat.
  9. cool would like to see that set up too.
  10. I play the theme from Jaws and the bass just jump in my boat
  11. Thanks Thornback - I've been looking at them - do you have any you recommend - I'm a big guy so I like to have something that is comfortable but does the job ... you know in case I stink to the bottom lol Don't have to get one right now cause all our lakes here have that hard water on them so I have time before they thaw - plus now I'm moving from the deer season mode to turkey season mode .... fishing of course fits in there too but like I said lakes are frozen over and this guy doesn't go out cut a hole in the ice put a heater in a shack and hope a fish swims by your bait LOL
  12. I fish alone pretty much 100% of the time ... well I only have an 8 foot pond boat - so not much room for others. I have it equipped with all the required safety gear ... I don't always wear my life jacket when I'm tied up fishing or working a shore line for bass but its right there with me along with my throw cushion. If I'm in deeper water I'll wear it. I only fish no wake lakes in my area (there are several) - most of the time I'm close to the shore or in the flooded timber, so if I fell overboard there would be a tree to grab onto. This year my plan is to get one of the Co2 jackets - those seem more comfortable to wear all day fishing - they are expensive but one's life has no price tag right? Anyway like many stated here let someone know where you will be fishing (like my wife would know where these lakes are lol) but at least I try and don't do anything stupid.
  13. I got a wide assortment of those canopies - actually I like the canopy in the photo cause I have the same boat.
  14. you got any pictures of that thing on the water and how it sits, handles in the water? Pretty neat set up
  15. That thought did enter my mind too jbw252, but I have seen people do this before buy a new toy use it for a while then stop .... however most try selling theirs a few years after realizing they aren't gonna use it again. Maybe this person is a Cubs fan and says wait til next year a lot lol
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