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Everything posted by Northernangler

  1. Well somepeople will launch kayaks on the backsets. If you stay north on 46 and pass the state park take your next left and you will see where people launch canoes and kayaks. Not sure if its legal or not but I know people do it. But if you go into the town of western and park at the mohawk river you can launch there and make your way into delta.
  2. I saw an umbrella rig for frogs on ***.com and was trying to find videos about or other testimonies about it but I'm coming up short. Does anyone know anything about these and how effective they really are. I'm a big time frogger and when the sun is high it's my go-to lure in grass.
  3. If you want to hit up Marion Manner on oneida lake is a great place for a kayak. Depening on the wind though. If you launch at A OK campground on Delta puts you closer to the backsets of Delta.
  4. Does anyone have any info about Canadarago Lake? Iv'e seen contour maps online from the NY DEC but that is it. Looks like a big bowl. I did see a sunken island but for the most part all of the offshore structure looks the same and arial photos give me the impression that it is a very very clear lake. Any help on pinpointing bass there would be greatly appriciated. I plan to fish it June 23.
  5. Delta Lake is a very good fishery. There is an abundance of big smallmouth and big largemouth. It is public but you have to pay to enter the park but your bank fishing oppurtunities are few. Do you have a boat?
  6. Took my son on a trip to Chaumont Bay. He had a blast catching a lot of bass like this one.
  7. Thank you for all the advice. I will try a few of these tricks. However it wasn't an issue of setting the hook to early or letting them take then load up they wouldn't take it at all and if they didn't have it I didn't set the hook. I would feel for the fish first but they just wouldn't take it. Also I tried following up with a jig in the same color but after they reacted to the fluke just once they wouldn't go after it again or any other lure. Thank you all for the good advice. P.S this is the best place on the internet for fishing advice. Great job to all of those who make this website possible.
  8. My first smallmouth over 6lbs.
  9. I just fishied a Tournament on Lake Champlain. It was a one day tourney. I was able to go up and practice the day before and found a very active area. It was a small patch of weed beds adjacent to a creek channel that had clearer water than the rest of the area. That morning I started throwing a Fluke and was getting slammed left and right by 3 and 4 pounders but they would just roll on it or blow up on it. I tried changing colors and presenting it differently but still had the same effects. No matter what I followed up with they would not touch anything other than that fluke. It was too grassy for top water and I didn't want to get off that high horses of getting great strikes. I was able to only plug 2 out of that area but had at least 30 strikes. One was 4 1/2 pounder and the other was a 4 pounder. I had one hooked about 6 and many other great strikes. What could I have done differently to have got more of those fish in the boat?
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