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Everything posted by das028

  1. One of my go to baits are those magnum flukes. I prefer them over any other jerkbait.
  2. I have a old lews speed spool model BB-1, that I stripped down to clean tonight. I'm pretty sure I'm a little over my head now! All the parts are in a solvent right now, as the thing has never once been cleaned or lubed since its been made. I decided to bring it back to life, throw it on a rod and fish it this year. I made sure I took pics with my phone as I tore it down, but quickly noticed I missed a lot. Do any of you know of a link or anywhere I can get directions for a detail strip? A parts schematic or layout would be helpful too? Any suggestions? I did a search and couldn't find anything, but I didn't dig to deep. I plan on getting it back together tomorrow after work tomorrow because its getting kinda late hear on the east coast, so I'm gonna call it a night and let that solvent get all that old grease and grime off all the small parts. I'm almost positive it's gonna give me fits tomorrow so anything helpful would be appreciated. Gotta say this is a really cool reel. It's what I used to learn how to throw a baitcaster as a kid. It was one of my dads only baitcasting freshwater setup a as well. He was partial to spinning gear. The thing is built like a tank, and has tremendous sentimental value to me, so I'd really like to get it running well again
  3. Blue/ black arkie jig w/ matching berkley chigger crawl trailer
  4. While fishing today, I noticed a swim jig snagged in a tree. When I was able to get it out it looked in pretty good shape. Had some various craw as a trailer. Now some questions? You think it be better of throwing a chigger crawl or a jerk bait as a trailer. Particularly a sluggo. I'm gettin a little low on my plastics, so I'd like to conserve my chigger crawl but will use if they are hitting in. I was just thinking the sluggo my be better throwing through grass, weeds, etc... Any thoughts or experience with this? Also when fishing a swim jig can I let it snk and maybe work it like a arkie for a couple minutes? You guys like to yo yo, retrieve, or drag the bottom. Also any time a day that they seem to get the most strikes. I know my jig fishing works from dusk til dawn for me, but most of the time ill swim it on my retrieve. Hope this makes sense and sorry for not searching. I'm dead tired and need to get to bed Thanks guys Das
  5. To me, there is nothing special about them. I've caught fish on them but not some un-godly amount that keeps them on my line all the time. To be honest I think they are boring to fish, and probably my least used plastic in my tackle box. But that's just me, they definitely aren't this popular if somebody isn't catching fish with them.
  6. das028


    1/2 oz jig blue/black or some kind of brown/pumpkin seed/ redish colors with matching chigger craw trailers To me most versatile lure I use
  7. I don't have much experience fishing this method. Do you guy like to use a three way swivel or just tie the hook of the polmer knot? I would think your bait would have a little more action with a leader of the swivel. Thoughts? Thanks in advance fellas
  8. this is why, a sluggo comes to mind. Gonna try it out today. Lost my las heavy jig last evening. Had to be a nick in the braid. It was very odd the way the line broke. It felt like a fish had gulped it and swam away kinda casually, but when i went to set the hook it broke. The thing was there was no snap in line. It broke with relative ease. Maybe an abrasive rock....I dunno
  9. Lately I've been throwing worm, creatures, etc... Through heavy grass with great success. It usually works best with a 3/4 - 1 oz weight. Anybody try this using flukes or other jerks? Seems to me it would work, a sluggo comes to mind. I like the drop shot method through heavy grass, but worried about the sinker getting hung up. Thoughts?
  10. Just curious, and keep in mind when you say "if you say so, boss", i am responding in a freindly manner. Is this a bad thing? i've heard lots of guys on the forum state some of the same things i do as fare as swimming jigs. Just curious my freind?
  11. I wouldnt be mixing the brands in the same container per say, but in the same box divided by dividers. There are som soft plastics I have that will dry up so obviously they will be in there bags
  12. Becasuse of my broken tackle box i was able to aquire 5 new plastic, for a better word, containers. I plan on organizing my lures using each and been more user freindly. I always thought you should keep your plastics in the bag it came in. My question is, is it okay to store them in your tackle box outside of bags. thanks in advance fellas
  13. I seem to buy a back up jig everytime I visit dicks. As a matter of fact Im going after work to pick up a 1oz or at least a 3/4oz, and some bullet weights in the sam weight
  14. I've said this in another thread but why buy a swim jig. I've had just as many strikes swimming any jig Im using at the time, then I've had with swim jigs. Probablly more, becasue I have a brush jig on most of the time anyway. To each is own I guess, I just think its another gimmick
  15. On a related topic...I did buy one of those cheap spinner they have hanging up without a package for $1. I took the skirt off and have been experimenting with rubber trailers rigged on the hook. So far, I've tried a mini fluke witch I didnt like. I also tried a 4.5 inch suggo, buy only threw it out a few times. It looked good though...If i was a bass I would of hit it!!! haha I think after work I'm gonna bring a handfull of plastics and only that lure and try things out. I'll let you guys know if anything works.
  16. Bought a bomber spinner out of one of those boxes. Threw it out a few times got nothing. never really gave it a chance though I will when the mood strikes. Only gripe is the color....its a chartruse (sp?)
  17. Is this done for better hook sets? Lost a nice one yesterday. I no setting the hook is key, but I'm looking for a little extra help. I do use braid line, so I could be jus ripping it out of its mouth....but just wondering about the brush guard
  18. tried it using 30lb braid, I like the drop shot method next time im there, thats what im gonna try
  19. too boring! Jigs, spinners, flukes, for me
  20. I'm usually using a white or whit/chartuese color without a trailer. Was jus curious what is everybody else fav color in which situation. Do you use trailers? One thing I like to do, is buy a cheap wallmart jig and take the skirt off and but various plastics on them. I've had success doing this, especially for smallies in the potomac. Though that was years ago.
  21. You can swim any jig, never understood the purpose of a designated swim jig
  22. Skunked Again! Its getting personal now!
  23. I usually fish from about 4:30 pm untill 9ish. I figured at first i'll start with a Jig and work the bottom slow. Maybe a trick worm or a ribbon worm all texas rigged. Might throw a senko too, and work that slow. Then towards the evening when they seem to be more aggresive i'll try a spinner and/or chatter
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