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Everything posted by BlackBassman

  1. Thanks for the replies fellas..
  2. Hey guys i live down in Ft. lauderdale and go fishing every weekend. Just looking for some folks that like to fish. I personally fish off the bank so any bankbeaters are welcome as well. If you have a boat im willing to pay my share on any outing... Let me know... Im always intrested to learn new things and show the lil that I know about bass fishing..
  3. jason here me and my PB in my profile pic.... any of you south FL folks wanna go get emm im always down on the weekend... nice meeting you good folks....
  4. Caught my avatar bass off of the turnpike...
  5. I have a canal a lil south of atlantic blvd in pompano by the horse race track that has some monster snakeheads in there. Ive caught them up to 7lbs out there. You can catch them on anything that makes noise.... just cast close to the bank and they will kill your bait..
  6. Well today couldnt have gone any better. I was supposed to take one of my friend girls fishing out of Hwy 27 for the first time but she stood me up for shopping lol. So when that happened I went over to old Basspro and picked up the (I think) new SwimSenkos...And instead of just calling it a day I traveled up north to the BOCA area to one of the canals ive had some luck at before. Well let me tell you this those senkos are amazing.. The bass were smashing them left and right I caught about 15 and this lovely lady was the last one. When she hit it looked liked someone dumped a bathtub in the water lol... My old PR was 7lbs but I know she bested by a good shot... Im 6'2 185 lbs so you guys tell me what you think she weighs... I didnt want to be selfish and keep her just to see so I let her go so we can hopefully hook up in the future....
  7. Yeah im dwn here in S Florida as well over here in hollywood I to need to learn how to fish a jig. First thing first would this b a good setup? 7ft heavy action rod with 50lb braided line 6:3:1 baitcaster??
  8. I must say that is very nice. I have a 14ft jon that i want to deck but dnt have the tools or a clue how to go about it. How much do u guys think it would cost to have someone put in a front and back deck just curious?
  9. If any of u guys wanna get together dwn here let me know im always down for some fishing
  10. Yeah im headed out in a couple of days to load up on emm. I go about catching them in a diffrent way though. No cast net for me just some sturdy spinning tackle good pair of shades and a nice big ole weighted ****** hook
  11. weres citrus located im curious to know? I live dwn in Hollywood florida and would love to go fishing and make new friends as well. Thanks
  12. Theres actually a canal that runs right next to university. That runs from peters road to broward blvd. When i was younger I use to catch lots of nice bass. Its a nice stretch so u can walk the whole thing. Hope that helps
  13. Yeah these frogs are awsome man the bass just blast theses baits. Oh and I live in south florida just yesterday I had at least a 20 pound snook blast my black and yellow popper but I missed him. It scared the living s**t out of me lol
  14. Which canal system is that? I usually do good on the c13 and c14
  15. No im sorry it happened when I was out on the water. I continued to fish that day and since then I havent. Sorry if you got the wrong idea
  16. Took my boat out the other day and when I turned the key a loud beeping winning noise started to happen. Im sure its a sound that tells me something is wrong. Well i take the boat home after using it a bit it ran fine and everything. I get up the next day and notice oil under the engine lots of it. Im not sure were its coming from but its a good leak. It doesnt hender me from fishing but it is a concern I dont want to blow anything up. Anyone have a clue how to fix it. Its a 60hp mariner engine. Thanks
  17. I just bought my first bass boat but the depth finder was stollen off of t when I got it. Now im in the market for a new one. I have no idea what im looking for. I dont have tons of money to spend but I need something that is going to work pretty well. I only have about 300 to spend on one. What would you guys suggest?
  18. How much carpet do you guys think I may need? Im not sure exactly what I need also to get the job done. Thanks fellas
  19. I just found what I think is a steal of a boat its a 1993 15ft pro craft with 60hp engine that has less than 60 hours on it. Also has a pretty nice trolling motor on it. Everything works all it needs is to be recarpeted. Comes on, like new pro craft trailer with spare tire. Dude only wants 1900 for it is that a good price fellas. I no ive been asking about boats lately but this is the last one lol
  20. Could I make something that stretches back from the front bench and be ok?
  21. I just purchased a 1965 15ft fiberglass terry bass boat with a 18hp johnson on it. It needs a little work here in there. I was looking at the front part of the boat and was wanting to do put a deck on it. Any of you guys have any ideas also I was wondering what kind of trolling motor to put on it seeing that its fiberglass and pretty light how much thrust should I go for. I also need to no if there is a way to respray the fiberglass on the boat seeing that there are some loose ends that need to be sewed up. Here it is guys hope you like it, it was only 400 bucks.
  22. Are there any if so chime in.
  23. Thanks fellas I no I can always count on you guys honest opinions.
  24. As you guys no ive been looking around for a boat in the 1500 and under price range. Well i stumbled upon a 1978 VIP 17 ft boat. It has been outside and has leaves and stuff in it. It looks pretty ok. The motor doesnt work guy doesnt no if it needs tune up or not. Steering wheel goes around in circles so im guessing that its either toast or needs to be connected. It has a trolling motor on it also has one of those old school fishfinder deals that flash colors. Trailer seems to be in ok shape also but looks to be pretty sturdy. All the guy wants is 800$ for it should I dive in and get it? I just dont no. I dont have alot to spend and dont want to get it and have to pay an extra 1500 to get it a float. What do you guys think?
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