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About 2Burd4Dawg4

  • Birthday 03/29/1992

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South Carolina
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Where the fish are
  • Other Interests
    Surf Fishing, Trucks

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. do some exploring up and down the creek see if you can find slow moving branches, good cover or slack coves they should hold fish .
  2. a good degreaser is Purple Power keeps my motor clean just cover up your intake when your doing it to be safe
  3. i may do the liner under the carpet so the wood wont rot< but good points i forgot how hot bedliner gets in the South Carolina sun. Thanks man
  4. I was in a huge slump the past two weeks and finally broke it. I just took a break for a day or two and gave my mind a rest, sometimes that is best. But, after a day off keep fishing your luck is bound to turn. Keep on Keepin on and fish what you have confidence in.
  5. Meant to say Or* my mistake haha
  6. I am doing a jon boat to bass boat conversion for small water tournaments do y'all think i should carpet the platforms or bedline them? I'm stuck on the decsion.
  7. senko's will do it
  8. i always start with a texas rig with a U tail or a creature bait and color depending on the visibility. I also carry spro frogs, buzz baits, really any top water, jigs, and spinnerbaits but the T- Rig is my go to
  9. Take a few good pics and send her swimmin
  10. i get this from my saltwater roots in striper fishing with a leader you will recover more snags with a leader, and you will avoid more tangles in your hooks when its fouled. Mono or Flouro i think fishing a leader with braid makes it a whole lot easier and with 3 palomar knots you can tie a leader in less than a minute.
  11. i tie direct unless im fishing braid. With braid ill tie about a 12 inch flouro leader
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