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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Where were u on the dam and were u casting right on it or out more? Pm if u want
  2. yeah this heat is impossible while shore fishing, its a struggle...
  3. I am starting/trying to use senkos. I have absolutely no luck with them at mercer. I need help, what color/size do you guys use? also what type of retrieve do you use?
  4. truthfully i have lost atleast 25 spinner baits getting caught on rocks, i got hung up on a rock about 30 feet out from shore with a 15$ crank bait and swam in after it, im a poor college kid now a days if i get hung up i go in and get it... lol
  5. OMG truly frightening
  6. you cant really do anything about it just make sure u dont try to slam it when you feel a bite when fishing a senko, use a sharp hook and just reel fast and drag kinda how you would hook set with a crank bait and if it is gut hooked shouldnt be hard to get out. when fishing senkos the bass suck the whole this in and swallow and run so truly senkos are throat shredders for bass.
  7. i went out today didnt catch a d**n thing too hot, and would you all consider mercer's water clear or not?
  8. im catching more fish at mercer but none with any size
  9. theyve started clearing some fish out of huntsman to drain it, and there moving them to mercer, theres still fish in it but not too many, and they are doing work on the dam and clearing the sediment from the bottom
  10. Well I've never caught anything right on the dam but around it yeah, but never could find access from the shore at the stumps
  11. I got another one today but there just not plentiful even after the transfer of fish from huntsman
  12. I have been fishing alot for about a month and a half now and probably spend 4-5 days and about 4-5 hours each of those days fishing local lakes and havent caught much, i mainly fish lake mercer but dont have much luck, my main lure of choice is the spinner bait, i am looking for tips and hints for nova fishing from the shore.
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