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Everything posted by basstrackin

  1. This thread is great, I like to wear my PETA shirt while fishing , hunting and grocery shopping. The definition under the heading is .. People Eating Tasty Animals!!
  2. yes sir, I have been playing with this reel somewhat and it casts well and retrieves good, but if I just try to let line out or let the current take it out it snags on the teeth of the spool. I like the feel of the reel, just wanted some options. Thanks for your time.
  3. hey folks try not laugh, a friend gave me a wave spin dh 5000 (doug hannon) spinning/casting reel that has a spool on it that looks like a bicycle sprocket, the reel seems to be well built and smooth, was just wondering if there is a smooth spool out there that would fit it. the reel is supposed to be great for casting but i would like to make it more all around heavy use reel. i guess if nothing else i could sharpen it up and use it as a hand crank saw.
  4. hey jrsmith, I hope I'm not to late on this but I have the same unit and tried it out yesterday. I would like to know what you came up with if possible. Also any suggestions with the gps if you have it. I don't do facebook or I would have sent you a message. Thanks
  5. Thanks for going out of your way for the info JD!! I hope ya got some good ZZZZZZ's. Going to be around 106-110 degrees here today, by quiting time I'm sure I'll feel the same.
  6. Thanks again JD, excellent info!
  7. hey folks, I was looking into getting a mapping card from navionics and another bass angler said it would be best to get the navionics+ card instead of the others like premium or gold, It would be cheaper and I would just download the lakes I want here in wa. state. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
  8. Ok, I was kidding about the trailers and jigs question.What I would like to know is there any of you that have a go-to place where you buy your jigs? I have looked at the sponsors and they looked like fair deals, just wanted to know if there is any others out there that you might suggest.
  9. Wow thanks to everyone of the great info! I hope you all do good on water and elsewhere!!!
  10. Thanks again! Now I'm really stoked to get out and give it a shot. Your help has been really outstanding!!
  11. Also Glenn, after a brain *art ..What is your mojo on waleye for potholes? Or lets stay on BASS, got to love it!!!
  12. WOW, hurt my head but EX. Tell the dumb guy about some of the trailers and jigs you might use!?
  13. Glenn, your knowledge is amazing !! Can you tell me which frog, popper etc. you prefer, thanks.
  14. Yes glenn, thanks for the reply I have a 2000 bass tracker pro crappie and have been back in the dunes quite a few times, I have kind of figured out the crab creek area I hope my new fish/depth finder will help.
  15. I'm new here so I'l give it a try, Every year we make a trip to potholes resevoir in wa. for a few days and I have not been able to come up with a good fishing tactic for this place. Any suggestions on lures and practices would be helful, we will be going at the end of july so I know the water will be down and it wil be warm out.
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