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Everything posted by cshea4

  1. I have a trophy beach 126 and i found the seat is pretty uncomfortable and was looking for a better seat with better back support. my lower back always starts hurting and always makes either stop or find someplace to take a break. any suggestions?
  2. well didnt get any advice but i went up there and caught a small bass and thats it for several hours out there. disappointing to say the least.
  3. i was trying to find a better seat for my kayak just wondering if you picked one out yet or had any suggestions?
  4. ya im really excited about getting one and getting out there just want to make sure i look at all options and do my research first. i live right down the street from a creek so it will be a great investment for me and im hoping for some good adventures.
  5. Im looking for an inexpensive kayak to fish out of. I have been looking at the future beach trophy 126 and field and stream12' eagle run sit in kayak. Im not looking to spend to much money but am open to suggestions.
  6. just looking for some good tips or spots for fishing on canandaigua lake and off the pier there. going up there sometime soon and just looking for any information.
  7. My local creek has been flowing very fast due to recent rains and i am having trouble getting any bites. The water is very dark and dirty and is around 5 feet deep now. Any tips?
  8. ya i went up there trying to catch a pike but didnt have any luck. Did catch some nice small mouth by the dam in town though.
  9. Anyone ever fish on black creek in churchville? If so share some good spots, lures and catches.
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