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Everything posted by jtharris3

  1. I'm pulling for KVD but, he is running out of time too!
  2. Pretty slow going so far today (Wednesday). It'll be interesting to see who figures out how to get bit and on what! Edit: Dudley fishing a sunken boat! LOL
  3. That water clarity is like chocolate milk. Is Eufala always like that? I like the Toro Cut Line. What a great spot for a sponsor...lol.
  4. I'm hoping they put that Pro Qualifier 2 reel on sale for $50 again. I'd like to pick up a couple of more.
  5. Watched a lot of Day 1. Some big bass were showing up throughout the day. Should only get better each day. It's interesting that 2 of the 40 zero'd on Day 1!
  6. I was just thinking the same thing. That big swimbait was his downfall, he just couldn't get away from it.
  7. Two years ago I bought a pack of Berkley Craw Fatty plastics. They have since become one of my go to baits! Others would be: Missile Baits D-Bomb RI Skinny Dipper (these work great on a weighted swim bait hook and thrown up into lillypads. It comes through grass extremely well too. Rage Tail Rage Craw Rage Tail Cut R worm Berkley Chigger Craw
  8. Pretty good show on Lake Belton in Texas. Whopper plopper ruled the day!
  9. I'm with ya!
  10. Rage and Net Bait! ?
  11. I think your quote feature is stuttering! LOL
  12. +1! I lived in Texas for 10 years. I fished Lake Fork and Lake O' The Pines all of the time. Man, I miss those lakes!!!
  13. Not to sound like a fence sitter but, I like both really well. Since coming on the scene MLF has really intrigued me. I started watching when it first came into being with the Cup events. That being said, for me, it will never replace what BASS has to offer. I've been a BASS fan since I was a kid. I'll continue watching and enjoying both. Actually, I have to throw in FLW too. So make that continuing to watch and enjoy all three. ?
  14. That's the greatest stuff since canned beer! Wait! What am I saying, nothing beats canned beer! Seriously though, It can't hurt in using it. I prefer Megastrike but, since it was free for you, you've got nothing to lose. ?
  15. PSA to all my fellow fishing peeps!
  16. 8" Mann's Augertail Worm 7" Berkley Power Worm 6" Generic sickle tail worm - Red Bloodline 5" Yamamoto Senko 7.5" Culprit Ribbon Tail Worm
  17. My largest (5lbs.) came on a 3.75" Rage Swimmer (Electric Shad) on a belly weighted hook. The second largest came on a 4" texas rigged Rage Bug (PB&J).
  18. Just buy whatever amount it is for free shipping. Problem solved! ?
  19. Does anyone know when these episodes will be put up on MOTV.com? I queried MLF but got no response.
  20. This is a great thing for the sport. Looking forward to seeing how it works out.
  21. Drop shot?! ? ?
  22. Thanks for that reminder! LOL!
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