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Everything posted by jtharris3

  1. It's getting ridiculous! I don't see where that's any fun to fish with at all. Same with the other A-rigs. I won't be wasting money on any of that crap.
  2. That's crazy!
  3. Real nice fish. Since you have pics of him, if you took measurements of him you can get a replica mount made.
  4. Great review. Thank you for posting it. I recently bought a Speed Spool SS1H and I have to say I like it more than my Citica. I fished Lew's reels back in the 80's and the Ryobi's that came after them and loved them then. Mine got regular work outs on Lake Fork and Lake of the Pines in east Texas. The new ones are obviously much lighter and I love that. When I bought the SS1H my thought was "will it hold up to the standard of the old reels?" I think it will!
  5. I had the same decision to make. I have two rods and one is spooled with mono on purpose, the other I wanted to try something different. I decided to go with Power Pro braid 50#. I figured if there were issues with line detection I could always tie on a leader. I have to say I really like the braid. It's like night and day when compared to mono. The sensitivity is incredible and the casting is just fine.
  6. Looking good man!
  7. 14lb. Trilene XT in general. I might drop down to 12lb if I'm fishing more open water.
  8. Organize and keep the stuff that's still good.
  9. I'm not a big jig fisherman so I won't weigh in on that but, as far as spinnerbaits, my go to bait is the Terminator spinnerbait. I've got more spinnerbaits than you can imagine and the Terminator out fishes them all. They're more expensive but they last longer too so in my mind they're worth the price. I'm also a big fan of the Strike King spinnerbaits.
  10. Does anyone here own a Tracker Panfish 16 w/ the front stick steering. I'm looking at one and would like to hear your thoughts on it. Thanks
  11. Liked and shared!
  12. Terminator spinner baits are my favorite. Buy some extra skirts.
  13. This tube ought to work. http://www.drycreekoutfitters.com/product_p/503-dc.htm
  14. Just picked up a few bags of these, what's your favorite way to fish them, weighted hook, non waited hook, jig head?
  15. My favorite all time is the Mann's Augertail worm in purple. :-) My second favorite is a 6" red worm with the dark blood line running through it. I vividly remember a day on lake Fork where me and a buddy went through a hundred of these in a day! We lost count on how many fish we caught!
  16. Which four colors?
  17. Thanks for the replies guys!
  18. I've owned a Citica for a few years and love it. I just bought a Lew's Speed Spool (the $99 one), and it is giving the Citica a run for it's money in my book!
  19. I'm usually a Trilene XL or XT guy. I'm considering putting some Fireline on one of my spinning reels. How does the Fireline hold up? My main concern is I want something that is not going to detract from easy casting.
  20. Terminator Spinnerbait! Usually 1/2oz. chart/white.
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