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Everything posted by jtharris3

  1. I love to fish the Little N in some of the smaller rivers that I fish.
  2. They're the greatest thing since sliced bread!
  3. I've been researching the same thing. Here's a site that has a licensed GYB Senko mold as well as all of the stuff needed to pour your own baits. Edit: Crap I just noticed I pasted in the wrong link. Sorry about that. Here's that correct link. http://store.do-itmolds.com/The-Gary-Yamamoto-5-Senko-4-Cav_p_177.html
  4. That's an awesome day!
  5. Got this deal in my email today. 25pk of 4/0 for $14.01 Seems like a good deal? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003P9CMMC?ref%5F=pe%5F850240%5F119663630%5Fem%5F1p%5F0%5Fti&redirect=true&pldnSite=1
  6. I fish spinnerbaits in the spring, summer, and fall. It's all dependent on the type of cover that I have to fish on a particular day. My go to colors are white with gold blades, white/chartreuse with nickel blades, and white/chartreuse/blue with gold blades. I almost always throw Terminator spinnerbaits. On the rare occasion that I throw a different brand I have Strike King, Booya, and War Eagle to go to. I like to target any tree lay downs in the water. If a lake has willow trees that's all the better. Other key areas for me are the edges of Lilly pad fields, reed edges, and grass areas. I'll work those areas generally with a steady retrieve at a moderate pace. If the bass are hitting well that day I know I can increase my speed a bit. Probably my least used retrieve style is slow rolling. If the fish are deeper I'll usually switch to a type of bait more appropriate for fishing deeper. One other key area that I like to use a spinnerbait is at a creek mouth that comes into the lake. I like to pay particular attention to what I call the corners of the inlet. I also see a lot of people who fish spinnerbaits too fast. If I see what I believe to be a good spot that should hold fish I'll generally makes several casts into that area before moving on. I've had many occasions where a fish will come out and hit the spinnerbait on the fourth or fifth cast on a piece of cover.
  7. Ah, the cursed cottonwood spawn! I just deal with it and fish on!
  8. After reading all 10 pages of this thread I think I can sum up the answer in a few words. Because, people are stupid!
  9. Texas rigged 6" worm. Tried and true.
  10. No one?
  11. Yeah, I'm behind the times. lol Does anyone use these for smallies? What size do you use? Favorite color?
  12. Great tips guys! Much appreciated! I went out and bought a few more packs this afternoon and added some of the 4" size to my arsenal. I'll be fishing them this weekend. I'll report on my outing, hopefully with pictures of fish! I plan on hitting the river with my spinning rig and a box full of Senkos and Yum Dingers.
  13. The bottom is mostly sandy gravel but there's a lot of wood cover along the banks and islands.
  14. That's the problem. Should have been using XT!
  15. I checked the Senko sticky and didn't see anything addressing this scenario. I frequently fish a small to medium sized river that has a moderate to fast flow most of the time. How would you fish a Senko most effectively in this situation? I frequently fish a Senko in lakes that I fish using both TR and wacky styles, but don't know how I'd approach the river with it or if it would even be effective given the current.
  16. Personally my #1 spinner bait is the Terminator. I've never had issues with how they run and having to adjust them a lot. I own some War Eagles too. I like them almost as much as my Terminators.
  17. Catching bass on the lure you made = priceless!
  18. Ah yes in this age of I've got to have it now, heaven forbid that one may have to wait a few days to receive something.
  19. Big one and not quite as big one.
  20. Looks like an awesome trip!
  21. Lew's Speed Spool.....you'll love it!
  22. I'm right handed. All of my spinning reels have the handle on the left. My baitcaster's handles are on the right. I never really thought about it until this thread. I guess it all boils down to how you were taught.
  23. My favorite worm of all time are the Mann's Augertail worms in Electric Grape. I've fish them for years and they still catch me fish!
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