Man you are so right. Way too much hype and people acting like idiots. Although I give Iaconelli a pass since he seems kind of crazy anyway!
I remember Bob Cobb and they don't make 'em like him anymore.
The fishing shows that I put at the top of my list are shows where the host doesn't feel like he has to put on an act for the camera and act all crazy and CONSTANTLY is hyping his gear, his clothes, his tackle, his, his, his, etc, etc, etc. A few of my favorites are Lunkerville, Mike D does a nice job on this show; Joe Bucher Outdoors, very well done; Jarrett Edwards Outdoors, He has a lot of info about products on his show but it's done well; and even though I don't saltwater fish, I really like George Poveromo's show. Anyhow, I digress...