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Everything posted by jtharris3

  1. 7" Power Worm in Electric Grape and a hollow body frog, Booyah Pad Crasher!
  2. LOL! Wow!! "I'm a trendsetter"
  3. Texas, Lousiana, Ohio, Michigan, Ontario Canada.
  4. My go to colors in the Zoom super fluke are White Ice, Smokin Shad, Pearl, Baby Bass, and Watermelon Magic! I rig mine with a large swivel about 18" above the fluke, weightless on a 4/0 or 5/0 off set worm hook.
  5. Thanks and congrats on the weight loss!
  6. If you don't mind me asking how big of a guy are you? I'm a pretty big guy and have been looking at kayaks.
  7. Pickd up an Aird casting rod tonight at my local Cabela's. 6'-6" MH for $44. I think it'll make a nice worm rod.
  8. I'm glad to see one of our resident pros has weighed in on this!
  9. Does anyone use the lowly Beetle Spin for any serious bass fishing?
  10. All of their baits at my local Dick's store are buy one and get the second at 50% off. I stocked up on some Power Worms and some Coffee Tubes.
  11. Had a pretty good day today doing some urban bassin'. Fished a couple of new spots (small ponds) with my BIL. All fish were caught on topwater with the exception of one fish which hit a Super Fluke and one fish which hit a Terminator spinner bait. I was throwing my trusty Booyah Pad Crashers and spinner bait and my BIL was throwing Buzz bait and the Super Fluke. The fish hit top waters all day, much to my surprise. I threw some worms but had no luck with them. Not all of the fish we caught are pictured.
  12. SNAKE!! lol.....glad you're ok!
  13. Getting Jimmy on your show would be awesome! I hope it happens!
  14. GY must have been on some good stuff when he cooked that one up! LOL!
  15. Oh great, not only do I need to worry about hooking myself, now I can burn myself too!
  16. Personally I would head to Florida. Lake Okeechobee to be exact. That's a dream trip for me and has been for years. Every time I see a show done there I think to myself what a unique fishery that it is. I've fished Lake Fork many times and absolutely love that lake, so to me, you couldn't go wrong going there either. Which remind me that I need to get back down there soon! Good luck in your choice.
  17. Beat ya to it Mike! http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/141914-mike-d-and-jimmy-houston-what-a-great-interview/ Great interview, one of the best that I've ever seen JH do. I appreciate your interview style. You let the interviewee speak without constant interruption. Keep up the good work Mike. I'm a huge fan of Lunkerville!
  18. For a casting rod in your price range, go to Walmart and buy the Lightning Rod Shock. It runs $39 and is a nice quality rod. JMHO
  19. Helluva fish! Congrats!
  20. What sized grubs are you using?
  21. I sure wish people would stop judging others who choose to keep a few fish to eat!! It's legal and taking a few each year does nothing to hurt the fish population!
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