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Everything posted by jtharris3

  1. Does the north end of the lake have Lilly pads and grass or hydrilla?
  2. Personally I could care less. If someone wants to live in a fantasy world, then so be it. I have more important things to worry about in life.
  3. Spinnerbait 7" Power Worm Texas rigged.
  4. The coffee tubes work great for that application. I typically throw green pumpkin or goby colors. Weight, use the lightest weight possible. Depending on wind I'll typically throw 1/8 to 3/16 oz.
  5. I agree with topwaterrob. Looks like it might be a PIA to fish out of.
  6. White, wheat, or rye?
  7. Uh, that's how marketing works.
  8. LOL! You $%@$!
  9. How pathetic does someone have to be to resort to cheating at a tournament.
  10. Same here!
  11. Very sorry to hear your stuff got stolen! That absolutely sucks!! Damned thieves! Hopefully your insurance company treats you right.
  12. Greatest thing since sliced bread!!
  13. That idea actually came to my mind! Is there any issue of the oil going rancid?
  14. I got some of those. I like them except they make my paper smell like garlic! ;-)
  15. So you quit buying a perfectly good bait because they discontinued your favorite color? Seems reasonable! So do you have data showing where these $12 lures are out fishing the Lewis Traps so badly? If so, I'd really like to see that data because the fish in my lake haven't gotten that memo! I could care less what anyone pays for a lure but, statements like yours are ridiculous.
  16. Appreciate the all of the info! Looks like the bait monkey is getting revd up!
  17. I'm getting more into shakeyhead fishing and want to try a few different worms. What are your favorite worms and in which size?
  18. Never heard of this type of club. Sounds like an extremely stupid and irresponsible "club" to me! So much for conservation and respect of our shared natural resources.
  19. Sad indeed! There's no reason what so ever to not wear a life vest!!
  20. Pretty cool that you found that lure. I had to Google it as I have never seen one. Weird looking little lure!
  21. Looks like a heck of a project. Good luck with it.
  22. What is the URL for your website?
  23. Annnnndd where can I buy some of these? In other words, TAKE MY MONEY!
  24. It used to be my Shimano Citica, now I have to say my Lews Speed Spool is my favorite reel.
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