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Everything posted by jtharris3

  1. Very nice fish! Congrats!
  2. Nice fish....yeah, get them some vittles!
  3. Great fish!
  4. I picked up a package of Zoom 8" Lizards, I'm thinking I should go with a 5/0 EWG for this bait. What say you?
  5. That the way to start the day! I guess I'm going to have to buy one or two of those WPs.
  6. 20 miles? Dude, jump in the car and go buy some hooks!
  7. What color line do you use?
  8. While reading your posts, I had to wonder why it bothers you so much what others do in their spare time. Then I found it! Just an observation.
  9. LOL!
  10. I know you all are on the edge of your seat as to what I ended up with! Nothing earth shattering but, what I got fills in some holes in what I have used recently. I had a nice relaxing dinner at Outback with the wife and spent a couple of hours at BPS.
  11. Headed to bass pro tomorrow, mainly just to look around and do something to stay out of that heat. 95 plus degrees expected here in wonderful Michigan. I've got $30 just to blow on whatever. I figure since I'll be there, I might as well buy something. Ok Bass Resource peeps, what should I buy?
  12. Just pointing that out. No hate intended.
  13. Only 8 per bag on the 5.5"
  14. We all make mistakes.
  15. That's makes for an awesome day!
  16. Booya, Spro, Strike King KVD.
  17. They didn't say which lake it came out of.
  18. Well, I live 5 minutes from the Cabela's in Dundee, MI and have a Bass Pro about 40 minutes from me in Rossford, OH. I've always gotten better service, selection and price from the Bass Pro. I'm referring to just fishing items. I guess, from my personal experience, I don't see it as a negative. With one big exception, there will be one less big competitor in the market. That's never a good thing for the consumer. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Im also interested to see how many of the Cabela's store are converted to a Bass Pro and stay open. I know the Dundee store averages approx. 35,000 people a weekend through that store. If it closed, it would put a big dent in the economy here.
  19. How so? The bass was caught in the wild and then transferred to the pond.
  20. From Texas used as brood stock. Beautiful fish!! From the site where I found the picture: " This is a 15lb+ fish caught earlier this year by a fellow TFFer "Bassbuster". Since Justin caught the fish, Mike has had it in a small brood pond with another similar class fish also caught earlier this year. Even in the small brood pond he was unable to entice this fish into biting again and had to remove it via sein to relocate it to a larger body of water. He successfully bred one or both fish this spring and now has fingerlings. Talk about genetics!! In any case, I thought I'd share the picture of this rare beast. To the best of my knowledge only a few fish of this size are caught annually across the globe, and a large percentage of them are coming right from our own backyard!"
  21. Thanks for the reply. I'm going to check those out.
  22. FWIW I've been switching over to the St. Croix Mojo Bass rod. It's a nice well balanced rod and fishes well.
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