Just bought a 1985 Bass Tracker III, and can not find definative info on it not even from Bass Tracker. I have never had a Bass boat before especially one with bilge pump & aereator.
Does the boat have a fuse panel some where or are all fuses in line? I have searched but can't locate it. On the bilge pump which is an older attwood 500 ghp, there is a large approx 4 inch plate looking thing on the back of the boat, that has sealant around it. Is this where it drains out? If so how since there is sealant around it. Because of the way Tracker installed the hose I can not simply follow the hose as it disappears under a section in back of the boat that is riveted in. And lastly, the aereator an Attwood 500 ghp has 2 hoses can I not just plug up the holes and use the area for storage. I live around High Gate, Missouri so I usually fish Gasconade,Meramac, or Osage. Thanks for any info in advance.