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About Clark617

  • Birthday 07/16/1994

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    <p>Dedham/Milton area</p>
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    <p>Connecticut State Forest</p>
  • Other Interests
    Video games</p>

Social Media

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    Sean Clark
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  • About Me

    <p>Just a city guy from Quincy looking for some good fun!</p>

Clark617's Achievements


Fry (1/9)



  1. Hey guys, I'm in Arizona right now but a native to MA, coming back in early to mid-September. Based of results you guys are facing now, how do you think the fishing will be around then? I've been seeing a lot of people worrying about water temps because of the long winter but since I haven't been around since March, I haven't fished this season. Unless we get a nice warm September, I don't think I'm going to bother going out this year unfortunately :/
  2. Hello everybody! So I'm from the north east (Massachusetts) and I'm moving to Avondale at the end of the coming month. Besides the big spots that I've read about (Lake Pleasant, Lake Roosevelt etc.) are there any smaller lakes around? Seeing that I don't have a boat, fishing these big lakes might be a challenge. I'm also looking for a friend, someone to acquaint me to this vastly different and new part of the country. Thanks! -Sean
  3. Hey everyone! I fish in eastern mass (mainly south shore area) and am looking for someone to fish with on Sundays. I'm still a pretty new to the art and would really like to see what I can learn from other people. Currently I'm located in the Dedham/Canton area but have my own transportation, so travel to anywhere within maybe a 15-20 mile radius won't be an issue. Also, waking up early is not an issue haha, getting on the water at the right time is half the fun. The only places I've fished in mass are Houghton's Pond, Blue Hills Reservoir and Pond Meadows Park. So far the most successful place has been Blue Hills Res. There has to be less fishing pressure around!
  4. Having the whole day off and spending it on the water, you would think that someone could rack in some fish, right? Nope, caught nothin' but a sunburn. So I had originally planned on trying Blue Hills Reservoir but i guess in the summer they close the trail on Sundays. As a fall-back i went to Houghton's Pond for a couple hours without a single nibble. I attempted a new spot, Park Meadows Pond in Braintree, missed one strike (could kick myself for that) but other than that there was nothing. For a rig, at Houghton's, I used a swimbait, Havoc Shad. A nice silver color with some flakes in it and stuff. In Braintree I used a 7" Power-worm. Is there something i'm doing wrong? Perhaps you guys would like to give me some tips?
  5. i get skunked pretty often at Houghton's too, never been to BHR. i used to fish out of Connecticut a lot but now i'm trying to find spots close to home. definitely in the same boat as you haha. i don't really have the time to fish like i used to though, if you find a good spot and wanna go on a sunday, i'd be very interested in heading out with you!
  6. Hey guys and gals, I live in the Dedham area and I'm looking for some good spots to fish for some big'uns! Spent the past two days at Houghton's Pond in Milton and I've been running into a lot of trouble trying to catch anything. Hitting a chain pickerel this morning and experiencing a long battle with a turtle around 7 p.m. with nothing in between has got me a little down low. Ran plastic senko (t-rigged) and a swim bait most of the day but switched to various other things (rat-l-trap, top water frog, popper) and had no results. Perhaps it's the way I present the bait? I don't know. If anybody has tips as to how to fish Houghton's Pond and/or other places to fish along the South Shore, that'd be great! Cheers! -Sean
  7. That's funny. I typically use plastic senko/swim baits as my go-to bait. Use a t-rig, can't really get the movement down on a whack. Anyway, it's mostly about getting accustomed to how it feels. Sometimes it's a little tough to judge but if you give it a quick second, more often than not (for my anyway), you'll be able to set the hook. I'm usually a little itchy when it comes to setting hooks haha but i rarely fail with my t-rigged senko. Hope this is helpful!
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