You're arguments about the undersized motor make sense.
But I guess top speed isn't the most important consideration to me.
I don't fish on lakes or rivers that require running several hours to find viable fishing spots.
And even in my current "slug" (1988 Charger 185 with 175 Johnston), I can't say that the difference between 45 mph and 65 mph has been much of a deciding factor in my tournament success or lack thereof.
Sure, if I were fishing big-money, big-water tournaments, with hundreds of other anglers in the same event, I'd agree that top-end would be an important factor. But even when I win the tournaments I enter, the prize money barely covers my travel,hotel, and fuel expenses.
I'm a weekend angler with an average-joe income. I can't spend upwards of $30K just to go as fast or faster than you.
What I see here is an affordable, reputable, reliable, and highly fishable boat designed for angler just like me...