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Everything posted by Nmorse

  1. on the 2013 it has a 16 gal livewell would that be big enough for 5 big fish (if i catch them)
  2. I am going to buy the tracker 175 txw but I don't know that year I should get 2013 has more storage. But the 2014 has a 2nd livewell and other little changes but is $1,000 more so I am unshure of the year I should get.
  3. I am slowly investing in my first boat and was wondering what type of bass boat I should get. I would like one with a lot of storage, to put all my tackle. If I just get a boat with no electronics what type should I get. What are some things that help you on your boat. What things have you added to customize your boat. Thanks
  4. thanks ksboy i was trying to make it short but informative
  5. I am just starting making jigs and would like to know what the most popular jig would look like. It would help me greatly if you could take 2 minutes to complete this survey(link Below). Thank You! http://<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xL3LItCfMyG9Qt9OPT-qaacm9ntzVps5d6TWqBqc350/viewform?embedded=true" width="760" height="500" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>
  6. Fishidy dose keep logs and is probably the best app I have found to keep logs.
  7. I recently invested in the KVD sexy frog and the Booyah Poppin' Pad Crasher. I am new to fishing with frogs, and wanted to know how I should retrieve the two frogs for best performance.
  8. I have made my own bass scent for about a month and have learned from this video
  9. I am wondering the basics of becoming sponsored. What you need to do to get noticed and what they expect form you when you do get sponsored.
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