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Everything posted by Revival

  1. $70-$100 for both rod and reel or $70-$100 on each?
  2. Sorry I should have been more specific. St Croix makes the Premier.
  3. I wish i could find a pond that was overpopulated with bass.
  4. Literally just got my *** 13 rods (spinning and casting). They look amazing. I would say try one out unless you can get a St Croix Premier for $50-$60 as people here have reported seeing them on sale at DSG.
  5. I just got my order in yesterday and also got the original.
  6. I also like the KVD 1.0 and 1.5. I use the 1.0 more than the 1.5. Top 3 colors in my opinion are: - Sexy Shad - Bluegill - Chartreuse/Black back
  7. How heavy sinkers do you use? The definition of a heavy sinker can vary from person to person. I know you said you dont want something cheap nor something expensive...how much are you looking to spend? I think that will help to narrow it down (or not)..haha
  8. Thanks for the info!
  9. The ponds I fish does not have any craws and although I havent caught one on a craw yet, a guy that is always there kills it t-rigging it.
  10. Im sure I will get a "few" of those flat cranks when they come out.
  11. What colors do you guys recommend?
  12. Never tried these. *adds it to the list*
  13. When I lived in Colorado there was a pond the size of my living room that had bluegill, catfish and a 6lb bass! 2 of the 4 ponds I fish at now are small too and it holds bass, carp, bluegill etc.
  14. Is this for every state? I know a pond here in Vegas that did not have fish till someone released some catfish in it.
  15. Growing up i bought Shimano combos...I think it was $30 for the combos. Then I upgraded to shakespeare rods which I thought was good. Recently I bought the St Croix Premier rods. To me the rod made a huge difference. I would rather not fish than use a cheap rod again. Im not saying your rod is cheap but the rod is just as important as the reel.
  16. Im sure i will be all over those flat sided KVD cranks.
  17. Good thread. I have been t-rigging a lot lately myself. I caught my first bass on a lizard a 2 weeks ago. I never know when the best times are, but i try it out anyways.
  18. Wow thats steal and a half! Everyone talks about great deals at their DSG and when i went in mine, it looked like they originally forgot to add a fishing section and just made an aisle and threw some cheap stuff together. As far as the rods, I think are Premiers are great rods in the $100 price range. But i have 2 *** Blacks on they way and cant wait to try it out.
  19. I forgot to mention to the OP... A friend of mine fishes the same high pressured pond that I do but he goes in the late evening till it gets dark. He uses a black jitterbug and it worked for him.
  20. Oh ok I misunderstood. You were responding to his first post, thought you were responding to his last one.
  21. I have no problems with memory. What size line are you using?
  22. Out of curiosity, how do you know he switched spots or am i missing something? All he said was he got skunked again.
  23. I would start off with green pumpkin then go from there. I wish i had that kind of area at the ponds we fish. Frog city for sure though.
  24. Wow, I now know where I'll be getting more Yozuri from! Thanks!
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