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Everything posted by Revival

  1. I usually stay out of threads like this to avoid a ticking match and no disrespect to anyone here but I feel like there is misinformation in this thread so I wanted to chime in. You are completely capable of gaining muscle working out 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week as long as you are doing things correctly. When it comes to weight training, less is more. If you are spending hours working out, that will lead to over training. When it comes to reps, don't get caught up in the high reps is for definition and low reps is for bulk. What happens when Guy 1 is doing high reps (with low weight) while eating 6000 calories a day and Guy 2 is doing low reps (heavy weight) eating 1500 calories a day? As far as gaining weight, its calories in vs calories out. If you consume more calories than you are burning, it will gain weight. It you burn more calories than you are cosuming, you will lose weight. You want to make sure the calories you are consume are good calories and not junk food. A simple formula I have always preached is: Workout + nutrition + rest + dedication/consistency = success If you are not seeing results you need to look at the formula and see where your weakness is. It's 100% guranteed you will be able to identify what is holding you back (sometimes its more than 1). When it comes to supplements, I feel you can benefit from them but people depend on them too much. A supplement is "an addition to" what should already be a healthy diet. Real food will and always be your first priority. Supplements that I do recommend are protein (isolate or a blend), creatine (scientifically proven) and a multivitamin/fish oil. If you have any health issues please check with your doctor first. Last but not least is the weight training. Always remember that reps is important that the weight. What I mean by that is select the weight you use by knowing how many reps you are trying to archive for that particular set. A lot of people select random weights without knowing exactly how many reps they will get. That is a big no no. A basic guideline for reps would be : 1 set - 12 reps 2 set - 10 reps 3 set - 8 reps Focus on your form and go slow on all your exercises. One day at a time and consistency is key.
  2. Haha that's awesome. Those are definitely some hogs in those pics!
  3. Awesome man. Still trying to get my first frog fish too.
  4. Wow that's crazy!
  5. Nice... That's my thread. Lot of quality info that others contributed. All the info you need should be in there.
  6. I'm in as I have yet to catch one wacky rigged my self. I seen this vid on YouTube where I tried paying attention to what they were doing with their rod.
  7. Revival


    And I'm sure people are sick of seeing your negativity that you bring to threads. Do you think everyone knows how to search thru threads? Do you think everyone has the time to search thru threads like some of us do? What if its a 13 year old kid that has a time limit on the internet? What if its an old timer that is new to the internet? Also when people ask a repetitive question they might feel its more personnable when people answer in their thread. So have some respect for others in here even if you might not like it. To the OP sorry for the distraction. Carry on guys.
  8. Patrick won and Chris came in second. Basically Parrick caught a shark weighing 47 lbs which changed the game.
  9. No disrespect. It could have been numerous reasons. I get it now.
  10. Can you have your son teach me how to catch a fish on a senko wacky rigged? Thanks.
  11. I listed everything that worked for me at night in post #10. Only thing I added was the cavitron buzz bait which wasn't available when I fished at night back then. If I was able to night fish again that would probably be the first thing I would throw. You be surprised how well the senkos work at night too. Junebug and watermelon was deadly at night.
  12. Me neither. If i paid that much for line, i would expect it to cast out on its own and search for fish. Good review though.
  13. I loved the show. I watched it more as entertainment rather than as a fishing show. With a show like Top Shot, its easy to come up with interesting challenges. With Top Hooker, the challenges were corny and silly but its always fun to watch a competition like that. Not because I'm biased but I think Chris was the best overall angler even though he didnt win. That shark changed the whole ball game.
  14. When i fished at night it was always 12am-2am to 6am-7am and it was the most fun I ever had fishing. I think if anything you should start at 3am rather than leaving then.
  15. Are you able to fish at night? Like 2am to 6-7am? EDIT: We posted at the same time. If you go back at night again i would recommend: Black/Black Cavitron Buzzbait Black Jitterbug Black Hula Popper Black Spinnerbait with single Colorado blade Senkos (watermelon or jitterbug)
  16. Out of curiosity, how old is the reel?
  17. Congrats!
  18. I was thinking the same thing. I wouldnt be able to tell the difference between a 10lb, 12 lb and 15 lb fish. I just know that they all would be huge (to me). What was the weight of the fish in the pic?
  19. Revival


    It cracks me up that you find the time to reply to this thread with "USE THE SEARCHBAR!" yet it would have taken you less time to list your favorite frog and move on. Live Target frogs would be my choice.
  20. Would you mind explaining your sweep technique? Is your rod tip pointing towards the water and you lifting it up or is your rod pointing at the water and you are sweeping it to the side? I really want to start catching fish on senkos again and everything I been trying hasn't been working. And to think that senkos were my to go bait at one time...haha
  21. First time I used it I also tried it for half hour and switched to something else. Last Wednesday morning,I was determined to stick with it longer and caught a 4.29 lber. Biggest fish for me since returning to bass fishing and fist on a buzz bait!
  22. Good stuff! I need to try this as well. I have no luck with t-rigging the craws that i have. What weight did you use for the weighted hook? What do you guys use more, the regular rage craw or the baby rage craw?
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