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Everything posted by Revival

  1. I have several Costas and they are amazing. WileyX are also great. For those looking for a cheaper option, don’t forget about Nines Optics. With the discount code they are around $60+. Their frames are bigger if that is something that you need.
  2. I carry: - Boomerang tool - nailcutters - pliers - Spyderco Delica - Spyderco Salt (serrated edge) - headlamp - flashlight
  3. Most successful night baits for me were a black spinnerbait with short arm Colorado blade and senkos. Caught a ton of senkos. Junebug and watermelon with black flake always produced.
  4. According to TW, it’s avaiable for pre order and not avaiable until 3/15. Priced at $10.99.
  5. I have always remembered this from years ago, but hardly ever hear anyone else talking about blue worms.
  6. Anyone ever have any luck throwing blue? Zoom’s Mag II has a color called Killer Blue that I’m curious about.
  7. Wishlist on mobile working again. Edit: Previous wish lists visible but not able to add to it yet.
  8. Back when I had St Croix Premiers and only carried 1 Baitcasting/1 Spinning rod for bank fishing, I liked their mediums. Purchased a medium/heavy and returned it the next day. It wasn’t for me and wasn’t fun to use. For your situation, the St Croix medium would be more than enough. If it’s an option, I also recommend checking out other brands and see what feels best to you.
  9. I had ton of success on Junebug senkos when I used to fish at night. I plan on fishing Junebug/Purple a lot more this year.
  10. If I remember correctly, it was not only their preference of long leaders, but also the size of the line they are using (heavier line) causing thicker knots which would cause problems with the TWS.
  11. Made this for a friend. Others might find it useful in the future. 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 11/16 3/4 13/16 7/8 15/16 1 oz
  12. I own serval Dobyns and love them. I am curious about the SLX too.
  13. Exactly. Appreciate the info. Haha that’s what I’m trying to avoid...but you know how that goes. Appreciate the info. Appreciate the info! Might as well try goosebrry too....haha.
  14. I have already looked at every picture possible including the ones on zooms website. Didn’t really give me the info I was looking for as it’s hard to see the details in stock pics. Was just looking for some feedback from people with experience with these colors.
  15. Hey guys, I was interested in throwing a purple worm (trick worm, ribbon tail) more often this year. What are the differences/similarities between Zooms black grape and gooseberry? For those of you that used both, has one been more productive than the other and if so, under what conditions? How different/similar are these colors compared to Junebug? Thanks.
  16. Source? I am interested in reading more about this.
  17. Glocks had their share of recalls except they called it "upgrades"...haha. I had the XDS 45 but sold it. I was interested in the 9mm but it going to be a while.
  18. So say you didnt have proof that it was his lure....would you give it back?
  19. Throw in mud + catch state record = win
  20. Cool sounds good bro!
  21. I think you may have gotten confused by what i was trying to say. This is what I meant by mucles work in pairs. For example look at the biceps and triceps: During elbow flexion, the biceps contract and the triceps lengthen. They work together but have different actions. Agonist - working muscle Antagonist - muscle that relaxes Please remember that I am not trying to argue but there is no way to isloate each head in the biceps nor each individual tricep head. For example, during a bicep curl, both heads work together but one can be emphasized more depending on the exercise. Same with a tricep extension.
  22. I will disagree with you here. Studies have shown that not stretching prior to a work out does not increase the chance of injury for that particular muscle group and can actually increase the chance of an injury. Think of a rubber band. Compare a fresh new rubber band out straight out of the package compared to one that has been stretched out to its maximum a few times without breaking. Which one is stronger and which one is weaker? The whole "stretch your chest before doing bench presses" is very old school. However, i do believe that you should never do weight training "cold". A warm up could be 10 minutes of some type of cardio to get your blood flowing as it will also increase your heart rate. I do agree that Yoga is a good idea and can increase flexibility and is highly recommended. Also, an important thing to remember is that muscle groups usually works in pairs. When one muscle contracts the opposite muscle relaxes. Next time you want to stretch your triceps do it once naturally. Then flex your biceps. Then stretch your triceps again. You should be able to tell the difference. Same thing with hamstrings. Contract your quads first before stretching your hamstrings.
  23. I only fish from shore so I only use one. In the past i have brought 2 but the areas to fish from was limited. Now i fish 2 ponds next to each other with a lot of area to work with. I am constantly moving so 1 is all I need. The ground surrounding the pond is full of duck crap so i wouldn't want to set another rod down anywhere either. If I fished from a boat i probably would bring more.
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