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Skeeter Driver

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Everything posted by Skeeter Driver

  1. I've been with Skeeter my entire life. First one was a 18ft fish and ski. That worked until I got hooked on bass fishing. Then I made the mice to a purpose-built boat, my current 1997 202c with a 200 Yamaha. Now there re lots of great boat brands, and I put Skeeter among them.
  2. I sent an email to a buddy that works for a dealer here in Texas as an engine mechanic. That said, I think Slonezp's thought is a very reasonable expectation ... You'll be sending some small smoke signals worst case. I'll drop an update here if I hear back from my contact.
  3. Just a outlier thought here .... I wonder if a bank would lend you the money against the valuemofmthe full rig. You don't pay, they get the boat to sell, pay the tax and keep the balance?
  4. Let me second what Sam offered on Raymarine .... I have a buddy with a full setup and it is really nice. Really fast screen refresh rates and nice resolution and detail. I all saw that Garmin is offering a sonar setup now. I have no info on it, but recall seeing a both at a fishing show.
  5. Let me break the trend here. I've been with Lowrance for about 15 years now. That is not a reflection on HB at all, just the brand I started with and other than some challenges getting connected to customer service on two occasions, I really like the brand. I have HDS 12 at the console and an HDS 10 in the front. System includes side scan and down scanning as well as the sonic hub and the Sirius weather module. I love the new touch screens but as someone already mentioned, you need to spend the time to learn the user interface. While I'm not familiar with the interface on the HB systems, I would wager it is easier than the Lowrance models. Good luck as you do the research and make your choice.
  6. Getting ready for the Skeeter Owners Tournament on Lake Fork. Fish there are in a Solid post-spawn pattern so the order of the day will be secondary lake points cover water from 1-5 feet ... which means square bill shallow cranks for me ... Here is the fruit I picked up from Cableas today: All those listed are in shad patterns River2Sea - Ish Monroe's Bumpin Rattle-Fast Floater. Rapala Scatter raps Also a Rapala .... A Xtreme shallow slashbait.
  7. In muddy water I have good luck with a rattletrap. Same context as a spinnerbait, you can cover lots of water until you find where they're hanging out.
  8. It seems there is a new sub-sport developing within our sport .... The art of finding the best clearance deals. I'm sure we all catch lots of small ones, but sometimes we hook a linker. :-)
  9. I only carry what I need and store the rest in my garage so bleeding had never been a problem. Let me pass along the actualy name of the bag: Spiderwire Bait Binder. Spiderwire's part number for it is SPA017SPWR-008. The bar code skew # is 20968 58412 1. Hope that helps.
  10. I had the chance last month to go fishing with a guide on a nearby lake and he was using them. I spent some time observing and then tired them myself. Produced well in the late morning that day, but overall would rate them as a "give it a try but give yourself some time to learn and master the techniques" ... Just me view.
  11. I have started checking all the sporting goods stores I shop in for clearance stuff. Amazing what deals we can find. I mentioned in a prior post that I have also taken to scratch and dent stuff ... Especially rods with broken tips. Most places I frequent think that is a death sentence for the stock and mark in way down, I take it home, and a new tip and we are off the races.
  12. Welcome! While I am still very new, I can report I have finally found a place where I can learn useful stuff to improve my fishing. I hope,you find the same experience!
  13. Not cool at all. That said, and this may not be a popular reply, revenge is always good time wasted in my view. While I think we all would want to make our case known in an aggressive way, in my experience taking such action will not change the offenders behavior nor in the long run will you likely feel good about it. Gee the above sounds preachy. Not my intent. Just my view of how to caulk it up to the fact that the world is,full of all kinds.
  14. Just wanted to add at I have had a similar experience with *** customer service. They were fantastic. I have started doing more bait planning som can make,use of those guys. It's easy to walk out the front door and buy what we need, but I'd like,to see these guys going to succeed. Just my two cents worth.
  15. I found very inexpensive bags at Walmart ... Made by Spiderwire if you believe that. 9 dollars as I recall. They hold 10 zip bags on O-Rings. I sort gear by type vs brand. All flukes in one bag, 5in worms in another, etc. I use those small tags they sell at the key cutting counter of Lowes or Home Depot to mark each case. I have about 15 of see in my boat at any one time and the tags make it easy to find what I need,
  16. I've had e same issues as others ... These things snagged. I tired one and decide it was not worth it for me,
  17. Ditto the that expressed by the Moderator. I had one bad experience and now I always check them.
  18. Check out River2Sea. They are a little pricy .... But very good: http://www.river2seausa.com/3-larry-dahlberg-series
  19. Check out River2Sea. They are a little pricy .... But very good: http://www.river2seausa.com/3-larry-dahlberg-series
  20. Wow, great question. I would have to say a white spinnerbait. I know, sounds crazy, but I can cover lots of water with it and that will usually lead me to find some activity. From there I can dial in on the and adjust the lure and its presentation to meet their desire in that circumstance. Also, In Texas, it gets really hot in summer and you need to wiling to fish offshore structure and do so effectively that would lead me to add a red 10in Berkely Powerbait to the list.
  21. I do have more off say Havoc or Powerbait stuff ... But as others have said, I buy what I think will work first and go for brand second. I also like to try new stuff by small firms. Lots of exciting gear out there.
  22. I agree with Yanken here ... The thing I get most from BPS and Cabelas is the specialization. I have to also offer a shout out to Cabela's Bargain Cave. I have found all sorts of great deals in that section. I suspect BPS has a similar area where they put scratch and dented stuff. I can't count the number of top-tier rods I have bought for 80 percent off regular price as along as I am wiling to make as small fix or two. We are spoiled here in the Dallas Metroplex ... Two BPS and two Cabela's within a 45 min drive.
  23. Personally, I have always found my Shimanos very forgiving when casting in windy conditions. Now to adjust the centrifugal weights under the cover to get the best results, but for some reason they cause me less issues than some of my other reels. Good luck on the hunt.
  24. A break is good for all of us sometimes. Welcome back!
  25. n-Aggie... Great to we another Texan here. Welcome.
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