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Jim Mac

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Everything posted by Jim Mac

  1. I would ask at Paddling.net Have you tried a SOT kayak before? If not, you should try one before deciding.
  2. You're welcome. It's a shame that the closest dealer to me was about 5 hours away. I would have liked to try it out.
  3. In case you don't know this about the Frontier, it does not come with a seat. So you will need to add the cost of a seat and seat swivel to that price. The nice thing is that you can use ANY seat you want.
  4. I looked at the Predator 12' also, and it is a nice kayak. In the high seat position, it was 8" above the floor. That was still too low for my back, so I went with the Frontier 12'. The Lure 11.5' was my second choice, but I decided against it because I could not demo it. GREAT seat on it. It adjusts in 1" increments.
  5. I have the Frontier 12' and I really like it. It takes at least a few times out to get used to the tippyness though. It's due to the higher center of gravity. The top of my seat is 12" above the floor. I had to sell my previous SOT because sitting "on the floor" was too hard on my back. I had the Mini X and it was much more stable. Definitely try it out before buying. I could use a lower seat, but that would defeat the purpose of me buying it.
  6. Those look like paddle holders.
  7. Thanks guys. Team_Dougherty, can those J-cradles from Amazon be bolted to a 2X4 which is lying flat? Or do they have to be mounted to a pipe or a bar?
  8. The width of my trailer bed is 50". The link below is the one I have. If I just stand them up on their side(with no J-cradles) I don't think they'd be very secure. At least the cradles keep them from sliding easily. http://www.farmandfleet.com/products/669952-teske-mfg-no-floor-trailer.html#.U8NPV2dOWUk
  9. Thanks flyfisher. The reason is I have to be able to haul 4 kayaks. My Frontier 12' is on the bottom, since it's so wide and heavy, so I have to find room for 3 more. I was thinking of 2 sitting flat on the top, and 1 mounted vertically on 1 side. If all 3 go on top, I would need to use 3 sets of J-cradles. My concern is the J-cradles getting stolen while we're out on the water. Do you think those cradles are not strong enough?
  10. They would be bolted to a vertical 2X4. Regular J-cradles cannot mount to a vertical surface, can they?
  11. I want to use these bolted to a vertical 2X4 on my trailer, to haul a kayak(40 lbs). Do you see a problem with that? If OK, how do you suggest strapping kayak down? Since it's "open" I'm worried about the strap coming off. Thanks. http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=11317207&kw=j-cradles&origkw=j-cradles
  12. Is that all? !!!!
  13. What is a bugger lake? A canoe would be cheaper than 2 kayaks, but having 2 kayaks would be much easier if one of you wanted to go fishing alone.
  14. Being used, there are too many possibilities to list. What is your height and weight? Do you want a sit-in or sit-on-top?
  15. Thanks. And they are comfy, sturdy?
  16. Can anyone recommend a comfortable folding boat seat? I'd like to spend about $60 max. It will be used with a swivel, in a jon boat. I'm talking about the padded seats, not the plastic seats. Thanks.
  17. Thanks, but I'd buy an aluminum canoe before I'd spend the money for something like that.
  18. Thanks Billfish. A poly canoe does sound like more trouble than it's worth. I'd probably be better off with an aluminum square stern canoe.
  19. I haven't bought it yet, but it's polyethylene. Specifically, the Old Town Saranac square stern from Dick's.
  20. Thanks guys. A boat cover is a possibility, but I read it cannot touch the poly canoe, or it will cause mold. It needs to be kept off the poly so there is ventilation under the cover. I'm trying to find out what type of cover is best for a poly canoe(canvas, or some sort of tarp). I'm probably better off just buying an aluminum square stern canoe.
  21. How does adding outriggers help you with the weight capacity?
  22. Thanks, but that's a little vague.
  23. Thanks. Like I said, it will be kept on a trailer, so that won't work.
  24. 81 views and 0 replies. My goodness !!
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