I would be delighted to answer your question, and none taken on the disrespect. I get the questions all the time in my day-to-day life. I hope you've got a second or two
When I was 12 I was diagnosed with an eye condition known by the name Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP). If you would like to read more about it and see a couple pictures of "How I see" you can visit this website here: http://www.blindness.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=50&Itemid=67
Currently there are no cures for RP, however, there is some amazing research using some cutting edge technology along with some gene therapy and stem cell research to correct the problem.
So basically what happens is that my rods and cones don't get the proper things they need to survive in their normal scenarios that normal sighted people have and eventually die off. Photoreceptors end up dying and vision is lost. Right now my current vision is down to only 8 degrees of sight left. My peripheral vision has all but gone away as well as me being VERY night blind and slightly to moderately color blind. One of the best ways to describe it is like seeing through two straws. Along with the photoreceptors dying off, there are these 'flashing blobs' or what some people refer to as migraine aura. It's these neon flashing lights that are constantly in my vision, almost translucent that just sit there and flash... all day... everyday..... even with my eyes closed.
So the disease just gets progressively worse. As a teen I was able to drive, go on dates, live a 'fairly' normal life, which I am thankful for. As a young adult (30) things have progressed to be a serious issue in day to day operations of life, however, you learn to adapt and make the best out of what you do got. I have excellent heightened other senses. My hearing is outstanding. On hearing test I can hear a couple more of the lower 'beeps' than normal people can. The hearing Dr. was pretty amazed by that, although not to uncommon for people with vision problems. Also my instincts to be able to react without sight are incredible. Not bragging there but they just are. I've actually caught things out of the air that were dropped by myself and others before it hit the ground just out of instinct reactions. I'm able to navigate without a cane and do other things just by my hearing, instincts to feel with my feet and stuff. Although the cane does help in a lot of situations.
So how does this relate to fishing? How do you cast a lure? How do you know WHERE to cast? All valid questions. Here's the answers.
Fishing is actually one of the most popular hobbies for sight impaired people. Especially pan fishing. It's all about feeling the fish and not having to see anything really. Walk out on the dock or the edge of the bank... fish away. With the help of someone like my wife, or whatever family is with me, I know that I am in open waters with no trees or anything to mess with me and we'll have a blast.
Now bass fishing out of a boat on the Tennessee River has it's challenges. Givin' that most of the time we're fishing cover, banks with overhanging trees etc. My fishing partner in the club is my dad. They actually made a special rule to let me and him fish together permanently instead of me having to swap partners each trip out. So dad has throughout the years figured out how to position the boat to use the sight that I do have left. You may or may not believe me but I've learned to cast with the spinnerbait motion that you see in bassresources video for trying to lay a spinnerbait silently into the water, with about every lure.... a really low trajectory so that if I do sling it to far, it's not sitting in the top of a tree on the bank. Although I do still hit the bank or a tree or something time to time. Being able to use my instincts and judge the power of a throw or hit a certain area where I actually can still see something is one of the key's to my success.... I have to be accurate or it's going to be a miserable time digging lures out all day.
So I hope that answers some of your questions and I'll be glad to answer anymore y'all guys have. So to sum it all up, I am legally blind, not COMPLETELY blind. Only 8 degrees of vision left. I'll give some links below to some videos and some pictures of what it's like for me to see. Not all RP is the same, but these are the closest representations I have at the moment.
(Now this isn't EXACTLY what it looks like. The brain does an amazing job at tricking me into thinking I can see perfectly normal. That black field isn't there all the time, it's almost a translucent field of vision that my brain takes images of kind of fills in for me, even though I can't see)
YouTube Video 2
You Tube 4 (This will give some sort of semi-idea of how the flashes work. Mine are much brighter than that and more pulsating)
Anyway, hope you can combine all of that into something that you can figure out what it's like.