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coots last won the day on June 8 2013

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About coots

  • Birthday 07/22/1982

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Alabama (Lake Guntersville / TN River)
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Tennessee River / Lake Guntersville
  • Other Interests
    IT / Networking. Eating Wings.

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Dink (3/9)



  1. Hey guys, My bass club has a tournament coming up on April 22nd & 23rd. I was wondering if there was anyone out there that can give me any type of patterns, what they've been on, what you're fishing etc. I'm not asking for your lunker places, just where I can snag me 5 fish both days. I'd love to buy you some dinner and talk it over if you're down that way or we can just discuss it on here. Thanks in advance. Brad
  2. Hey thanks for the tips! We will be putting in at a ramp that is Riverside something? Right off of I-20 they said, close to a hotel. Does that ramp sound familiar to you? If it does, can you tell me what of that you named is the closest for me to try and find on Navionics? I've got it on my phones and tablets, I'd like to check it out before heading that way.
  3. Hey guys, I'm headed down to Logan Martin this Thursday - Saturday with a local group of guys from up here in Guntersville. Can anyone give me any advice to get on some fish? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  4. So there's been a trend lately on Lake Guntersville (in my area at least) and that is down sizing swimbaits to catch your limit, and then start trying to find the big momma. My question is what are some smaller swimbaits (3 inch or 3.5 inch) that you guys would recommend? I know a guy in our club broke down and told me that he's been catching his limits on a 3" sassy shad with a smaller (1/4oz - 3/8oz) jig head). I've looked around and all that usual suspects have came up, Yum Money Minnow, Shadlicious etc, I was just wondering if there are some others out there that i should look at. Thanks!
  5. Thanks for the replies guys! I feel better about it now.
  6. http://www.basspro.com/Onboard-Charger-Inlet/product/5205/
  7. I am wanting to install the MinnKota 330D 3 bank 10 amp per bank charger on my Skeeter. Then I am wanting to install a Inlet Charger so I don't have to open the compartment every time I want to plug it up. I looked and the inlet charger is rated at 15 amps. Does this mean that my charger won't be utilizing it's full capabilities of 10 amps per bank? Do I need to find an inlet charger that is at least 30 amps to handle the 10 amp per bank? Any help is appreciated.
  8. coots

    My Post?

    Alright Road! Thanks for your help.
  9. coots

    My Post?

    My post got moved from the General forum to somewhere that says "You don't have permission to view this forum." Can someone who can view it please tell me what the reply to it says? Here's the link to it: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/149793-3-bank-charger-inlet-charger-question/
  10. I'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum, I looked over them and the only other one it may fit in is the boat one, but I'm not sure if that's for model questions or what. Anyway, I am wanting to install a 3 bank charger, I've decided on the MinnKota 330D, 10 amp PER BANK charger. Then I am going to install a inlet charger instead of having to drag the cord out of the battery compartment every time I get ready to plug it up. The only inlet charger I can find that will accept a regular extension cord plug is rated at 15 amps. Does this mean that my charger will only be using 5 amps per bank? I am no electrician and do'nt understand the electrical flow on all this, so I'm just asking the question. To take advantage of the 10amp per bank, do I need to find an inlet charger that is rated for 30 amps?
  11. Blowing the motor up on the boat yesterday may put a damper on our RoadTrip plans. I am so sad right now
  12. Driving down the river, ol' boat said "WHA POWWWWW" today... think we broke a rod. Hopefully it gets fixed in time for the roadtrip. That or we decide to just go get a new boat *sigh*
  13. The Coots' won't be rolling in until Thursday.
  14. Thanks Road, my apologies.
  15. I know and I tried. I put in "replica" and "mount" but didn't see it. Maybe I'll try again. I went back 3 pages on the General Forum... mabye I'll go back more now.
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