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Everything posted by aquaholic

  1. What a terrible experience. I'd keep trying to reach the guy and have something done. I normally mind my business when it comes to what other people do but when its that out of control something seriously needs to be done.
  2. Alright so this is what im thinking, Bps pro qualifier in 6.4:1 with a Berkley Lightning rod shock series in 6'6" medium (can get a 15 dollar rebate if i order something else from berkley). Should this do the trick? Also i prefer using braid line but im worried that with just starting out im bound to get some backlash. i dont want to throw 15 bucks down the drain, so should i start out with mono?
  3. Thanks for the quick responses! Basically i'm looking to get my feet wet in baitcasting. Last year i started fly fishing, i bought an inexpensive setup from cabelas and so far its worked out great. I'd like to be good at fishing with all types of setups which is why i want to begin with baitcasting. I'm not looking at anything i could pass down. Just something i can get a few seasons out of before I upgrade and know what i'm doing. Getting it from somewhere other than dsg isnt a big deal. I just had 10% off and they have a 20 dollar rebate on that setup so it seemed like a good deal with the reviews ive read. My budget is right around 100 give or take 20. Thanks for the help!
  4. Hey guys first post here but i need some input on my first baitcaster. I love my spinning reel setups but I cant help but feel i need to get into baitcasters. I've never used one so I'd like to start off with a pretty basic one that I can learn with before I drop a big chunk of change on one. I have a 10% off coupon at dicks sporting goods for an order they screwed up and while i dont normally get fishing equipment from them i figured what the heck. ive been looking at that one and it seems to have decent reviews on it. Of course its not going to be great but does anyone have any experience with it or advice on an issue they could see ? Also I fish my spinning reels by casting right and reeling left, is there any reason i should switch on the baitcaster? Sorry for the newb questions! Im sure you guys get them a lot, but I would really appreciate any advice!
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