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Everything posted by aquaholic

  1. I love fish, not so much salmon though. Maybe i just havent had it cooked properly. Jim gaffigan had a good bit about people not liking fish. " I like fish, just not when it tastes fishy.... I got news for you, you probably dont like fish"
  2. i am the exact same. I always t rig mine
  3. I live my life by one rule, and i think it will apply to your current situation. If you find a hole, put something in it.
  4. even more reason to believe this place is magic. Today i was getting skunked, decided to pull out the big guns and toss a senko. Fish on and get this i didnt even lose it. First time i have been able to reuse a senko...
  5. So this morning i went to try out my new ultra light setup. I got to the pond and started casting away. Second cast and fish on. Smaller large mouth that managed to grab both treble hooks and its pitch black outside and i forgot to bring a light. I finally got it off and go to cast again. Another hit, i go to set the hook and jerk the bait straight out of the water.it some how wraps around me so there i am with braid wrapped around me when a monster slams pretty close to me. 5 mins later after i get untangled i try to toss near the spot it hit and i cast right into a tree, ( still hadnt got use to the whipage of the ultra light). Im livid at this point because i lost a lure a half hour in. Not to mention countless wind knots because the the reel was over spooled. As im walking back to my truck in pure rage i look down and see a jitterbug in good condition laying on the ground. The crazy thing is this isnt the first time ive been rewarded after losing a lure. Two times before i got a crank stuck in a submerged tree and the next morning i show up and theres a net laying on the bank. No one is ever there when i show up. The place is completely deserted. When ever i lose something there i am always rewarded with something else.
  6. The only issue is that the general message peta is putting out there is that fishing is bad. Sure some of the peta members maybe dont think that, but the organization still believes it. Im not judging based on a few bad apples but rather what the organization it self officially stands for.
  7. that guy wears womens underwear...
  8. Life sucks sometimes, but at least you arent helen keller
  9. My local fish store didnt have any power pro in 4lb only 5 but i didnt need a 300 yard spool of it. I ended up with 8, a little overkill. not sure if i should run a leader or not but im excited to try this setup out.
  10. That reel is pretty beat. I love my pflueger president.
  11. That girl melanie was pretty hot. Apparently the show wasnt too popular because you can still find all of their actual legit facebook pages.
  12. pectoral as well video i found on youtube
  13. the whiskers are fine, its the fins that will get you
  14. Ive watched all the shows but it sucks. Most of the things arent even about catching quality fish but numbers of the worlds smallest fish.
  15. couple chairs and some clams. I knew a guy who was swimming in the river and found a waded up roll of carpet. You can guess what he found inside.
  16. Sounds like a bad day at the beach, as far as having your stomach turn as seconds tick off the clock, try coming up to bat with 2 outs in the 9th with your team down and the bases loaded and all eyes are on you to come through. I disagree. All fishing is fun, if its not you shouldn't be doing it. When your on shore you stay on shore, you dont have the option to move around like boaters have. On shore you are limited to what you can carry not your boat size.
  17. You gotta fight for your right to fish! If you are 100% in the right call up dnr and have them come out.
  18. have you fished it?
  19. i bought a fly setup from cabelas for like 60 bucks. It works good enough for my level of fly fishing. I cant compare it to high dollar stuff but id trust it over a walmart one. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Fishing/Rod-Reel-Combos/Fly-Fishing-Rod-Reel-Combos|/pc/104793480/c/104762880/sc/105571980/Cabelas-Cahill-Fly-Rod-and-Reel-Outfit/732362.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Ffly-fishing-rod-reel-combos%2F_%2FN-1104843%2B10000049%2FNe-10000049%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_105571980%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BMMcat104793480%253Bcat104762880%26WTz_st%3DGuidedNav%26WTz_stype%3DGNU&WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104793480%3Bcat104762880%3Bcat105571980
  20. Ive done that before, l prefer spinning gear for most weightless soft plastics.
  21. I figured someone from cali might chime in, since its seems every fishing item i buy has been known to cause cancer in the state of california. lol
  22. Haha i would just do what i do when the geese are sitting in the middle of the road, keep moving, they get out of the way pretty fast.
  23. Golf courses are not public fishing spots. You cannot just walk onto one and start fishing. Unless someone on here is a course owner I doubt anyone would be in a position to help you out with that.
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