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Everything posted by deadeye32.

  1. I know a bunch of people who are athletes (play a sport), but are not athletic. Then there are athletic people who can compete in about any sport they wish (Lebron James, Julius Peppers). When I played baseball, we had pitchers that could throw 90mph but good lord their jump shot was terrible. lol
  2. I actually think Kreit and VanDam are good friends and KVD has always called him squirrel because he's just a squirrely guy. His baits are made by big bite bait company and called "squirrel tail worm". For some reason though I thought they were buddies just busting each others balls.
  3. The one thing that drives me crazy about KVD is how he acts at the weigh ins, You could tell Martens wanted to shake hands and say congrats when KVD won, but KVD walked up to his fish like Martens wasnt even there. Last year also, KVD knocked Jeff Kriets' hat off trying to grab that trophy. lol
  4. Never ever ever ask "How much does this weigh?" j/k couldnt resist. Probobly some of the tips on reading maps and electronics.
  5. I will be going down to the clearwater area again this year for spring break and I generally like to take a day or so to go to Lake Tarpon and bass fish. The last few years I have went out with a guide, but last year I felt like I did too much of the guiding, and dont need to spend that kind of money when I know how to catch them there. My question is, Where can I rent a boat for a day or a couple of half days around that area? Thanks, Deadeye32
  6. What type of line are you using? I personally like to use mono if the grass is sparce because with braid and sometimes flourocarbon, I think you can rip the bait from the fish mouth. Just my opinion.
  7. This really brings back great memories, great topic. Mine was 11.8 in Florida over spring break 4 years ago. I had fished with shiners all week off of a dock at my wife's grandparents place and only caught 4 or 5 fish, nothing over 3lbs. I decided to take my spinning rod with a shakey head and just catch some numbers when I got my first bite. Set the hook, and felt "dead weight". When she made a run, I knew it was big. I finally got a glimpse of her and went to the bank knee deep in water and grabbed her up so fast. I went "IKE" for about 5 minutes waking up the entire neighborhood, but I didnt care. My left knee was shaking for at least an hour after the catch. Unbelieveable feeling.
  8. I just took one of my curados out of my boat and found that the handle is bent a bit. I know Bass Pro has the replacement handles, but where could I order one of those swept, carbon fiber, or "cool" handles that some of you guys have, for a shimano. Thanks, Deadeye32
  9. I was in that tourny and we sucked. I caught 1 keeper on a jerkbait and a few shorts on traps, but that was it. The water temp did get up to 52 in some areas, but it sure was muddy. I heard that 16lb limit won the tourny, so somebody found some fish.
  10. When I was about 11 or 12 we used to go to the catfish paylakes in the summer. I had a stringer of about 8 that came untied and off into the lake. About 3 hours later, my line takes off and attached to my hook is the stringer that I had lost hours earlier. Crazy but true
  11. thanks for all the replies everyone. I will get to work on it a bit this afternoon. Thanks, Deadeye32
  12. I own a humminbird 595c gps/fishfinder that keeps flashing low voltage about 15 minutes into my trip. It will eventually shut off when I turn my livewells on. I took the cranking battery out and had it checked out and they said it was fine, but I just dont know what to do. It just wont keep a charge for some reason, I turned down the voltage alarm on the unit, but it still dies out after a short period of time. Any help would be great. Thanks
  13. I teach elementary physical education. Absolutely love it. especially the summers. ;D
  14. i just bought one too. I got the dictator pattern. Thanks for the heads up
  15. I called the DNR last year to ask that exact question, and they said you can bring any bass boat but its idle only. I wonder what the water temp is there right now?
  16. The outdoorsman sportshop in Greenwood will service rods and reels, What are you needing to get?
  17. I would add a spinnerbait and a red lipless crank
  18. tadpoles or baby frogs. lol
  19. I have a hand wrapping set that locks on to the edge of a table I could sell for $20 plus shipping. It has the two rod holders and a thread tensioner. http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/rodwrappers/027471300002.aspx
  20. I have recently just built 3 rods, 2 of them are on the drying rack with a marble finish which turned out great. I will try to post some pics up in a couple days
  21. 2 things, they can't stop the pass. The colts and saints proved that, Miami (running team)just studied it and applied it yesterday, who thought they would pass that much? and Brady wont throw to anybody but Welker, there was a time yesterday when he was in triple coverage and Brady still threw to him.
  22. I bought a few bags and thought they looked great in the water, but I have not caught many fish with them for some reason. I would start with them several times this year and switch back to my hand poured worms every time.
  23. A few more I heard that made me laugh were "Kibbles and Vicks" "Somewhere over Dawayne Bowe"
  24. What are some of the funniest or best fantasy football names you have seen in your leagues. I recently just changed my team name to "the Jackson 4" because our guy in first place is a huge MJ fan, and it might get him flustered. lol. Lets hear em.
  25. I have a pair of Ace Hardware neoprene gloves that I got for christmas last year that are awsome. I also have an old pair of batting gloves that I used for baseball that do well for me, except for the time I got pinetar all over my new loomis shakeyhead rod. :'(
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