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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Does anyone fish the wolf around memphis?
  2. What is a senko
  3. Probably not. I work late tonight and have to go in again lunch time tomorrow. My big fishing days are wed and thurs my weekend. Probably will get my line wet mon and tues after work around 3
  4. No worries. Supposed to learn something new everyday. And so i did!
  5. Didnt realize it was a private pay lake. Had no cash.... doh maybe next time
  6. Oh and i tried that link to no avail. Any address or other way to locate
  7. Agreed. Was just throwing it out there in case there were other outside the box weekends
  8. Heading out to edmund orgill this mornin. Havent fished it yet
  9. I have been out of fishing for about ten years. Ex wife didnt like it. My now bride loves to fish so working backinto it. Grew up fishing texas lakes but now in the memphis area and trying to figure out what i am doing again. Bought an old jon boat with a 15 johnson last year
  10. New member in bartlett. But my weekend is wed thurs
  11. New to the forum. Going out tomorrow and not sure whether to hit orgill or glenn. Taking my little johnboat. And suggestions on which and what to fish with?
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