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  • Birthday 07/09/1978

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Market, MD
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Linganore
  • Other Interests
    Most Sports

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  1. I'm likely to purchase one, hopefully in the next month. I live near a private 500 acre lake in Maryland which it will be perfect...I've watched at least a dozen reviews on this thing and read others. All say they are extremely durable a stable. Me being a bigger guy really likes the fact I can both stand and sit on a comfortable level. The "Roundabout Watercraft" can be had for $1400 and comes with a 55Lb Minnkota and seat. They seam to be very customizable. It seems like it is better than the Ultra Skiff and less expensive. You can also purchase a hitch carrier($285) or throw it in the back of your truck and go to other local waters.
  2. Almost got myself a state record Rock Bass today! This little girl was only 11" long but weighed 1lb 5oz on my scale. Maryland state record is 1lb 8oz...I don't know if it was full of eggs or just on a binge? Heck of a little fighter too!
  3. Just got a message/pic from a friend that fishes Lake Linganore as well. They pulled this beast out today. Measured 25" long and 18" around. I hope I hook into one these girls this year!
  4. Good Afternoon! Permits are only $40 for the year, electric motors only. I do not know what documents are needed. Here is a link below: https://www.lakelinganore.org/member-services/ Linganore is a great fishery. I don't have a place to keep a boat but really wish I did...
  5. So I never got to go last year but we just booked our trip April 9th through the 16th of this year. Any additional pointers would be helpful. I will likely be fishing from shore and maybe go out on with a captain one day. Thanks again for all of your help!
  6. Hit the dam up at Linganore today. Caught 5 different species of fish including a tiny smallmouth. Still haven't caught any LM larger than 14". The main lake is still too cold as I have hit some familiar areas with no hits what so ever.
  7. Will, are you a member at Linganore? I usually throw jigs this time of year. Just a 4" Zoom Fat Albert Grub Black & Red flakes also works well.
  8. Hey Guys! I haven't gotten out in over a week but I did go to the DNR Fishermen's Challenge Finale today at Sandy Point State Park. They gave away over $50k in prizes today. Unfortunately my name was not drawn... A twelve year old won the grand prize, a brand new Tracker Boat setup with trailor. He was extemely ungrateful and said he would rather have won the $2500 check. He was also very rude to the MC who was asking questions. I am still in shock from witnessing this. I would have jumped out of my shoes if I had one a new boat! Hope you all had a great weekend.
  9. Just started Crappie fishing myself. I only use one lure however. It's the 1.75" Bill Lewis Ratl trap and I use different colors depending on water clarity. So far I have caught 5 different types of specie on it including a 22" LMB. I caught this last night which is my largest crappie to date.
  10. Nice fish, looks like a golf couse you were fishing. Where was this at in Gaitherburg?
  11. Seems like July is always the best month fishing for me. Caught this yesterday in one of the creeks that feeds into Linganore. I am still trying to find the smallmouth on the lake but that may not happen until I have a boat/kayak...
  12. Caught my largest of the year last Thursday evening on a 1.5" Bill Lewis Trap! Weighed at 5lbs 7oz. and just under 22".
  13. Just saw my first one last week in a feeder branch going to the Choptank. Didn't catch one though.
  14. So I caught my largest of the year yesterday which happened to my B-day. Only Bass I caught and it was on 1.5" Bill Lewis Ratl Trap. Just about 22". Weighed 5lb 7oz on my new scale. (About time I got one)
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