Definitely not just the person working, I think Onvacation got lucky and got a good person. I've tried to return a couple of things to BPS and they always seem to make it a real PITA. From now on I just order from TW, and couldnt be happier. I bought a columbia fishing shirt and realized it had a few stains on the sleeve, I noticed this at the cashiers counter and told her. She said just take it to customer service and theyll take care of it. Well that would've been great if I would've had my drivers license. Now I just paid for this shirt with cash, and I never left the store I walked directly from the cashier to the service desk. I tried to grab another shirt on my way there to just exchange it, but they didnt have any more in my size. So I said Ill just take the money back then, and the manger asked for my license which I mistakenly left at the house. So he said go home and get it, well its 30 miles each way to my house. It wasnt like I left and came backtwo days later, I never even left the store. In total I spent over $200 that day and was trying to get my money back on a $20 shirt, but was told no because I could be trying to rip them off, it happens all the time he said. I took me to start getting fired up and raising my voice some, and when I started asking people in the line what they thought and they were agreeing with me the manager finally gave me my $20 back. Never again BPS never again.