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Everything posted by MDBowHunter

  1. I use a St Croix Mojo Bass 7' MH/F spinner bait rod and a Daiwa Lexa 100, I also use this same rod for frogs and it seem to do great.
  2. From my experience they're very popular. I know of at least 15 people that own 40s, they're pretty much handle like a 9mm but have more a** behind them. I believe all of our local and state police carry them also. Prayers go out to the family.
  3. X2 on Cosco, I've more then a few there and they all seem to last pretty good. Plus they're cheap
  4. I know a couple of guys that do a DYI elk hunt every year in Co. They go for 2 weeks every year, and only take long bows to hunt with. They've only killed a couple, a cow and a spike, but they come back every year with an awesome story. They go all public land, and it takes them 2 days to hike into where they go and three days to get out if they get lucky enough to harvest an animal. It's definitely on my bucket list for sure.
  5. This is what I use, does a great job and only takes a couple seconds: http://www.basspro.com/Berkley-Pocket-Hook-Sharpener/product/52855/
  6. I use these, they have a double cutting edge and they cut braid awesome. They also have a replaceable cutting edges, and come with a holster and a lanyard: http://www.basspro.com/Browning-7-Aluminum-Pliers/product/1212041152/
  7. I'm going to put a dedicated drop shot rod together, and I was wondering what your using and why. I'd much rather fish with a baitcaster, but will it be a pain in the a** because of the light weight. I'm currently using a Daiwa Procaster spinning combo that I got from BPS for my drop shot rod, its a med action 7' rod. I would like something a little more sensitive though, I'm looking at the Avid 6'8" ML/XF casting rod
  8. Bow hunting is a beautiful thing, here in MD we have a 5 month bow season so you get a ton more time in the field. I'm also lucky enough to live within 30 mins or so of my lease so I can get a lot of evening hunts in during the week before daylight savings time comes around. Deer are also a lot easier to pattern early bow season, and usually when you see one buck you'll generally see a few more. It's also nice because the deer are just cruising around nice and calm, but once the orange army hits the woods the deer are walking around like they're on pins and needles. Good luck with the new bow, shoot straight.
  9. I just picked up a Daiwa Aird, it was like $89 and seems to be a pretty nice reel so far. I got the 4.9:1 because I'm using it for a crankbait rod, but they come in 6.3:1 and 7.1:1 also. Oh and I'm using 20lb PP Braid
  10. Hung a couple new stands a few weeks ago, going to do bush hogging at my lease next weekend. I also pulled the bow out after a few months of not shooting, it felt good.
  11. A budy and I went last weekend, we had some hits but couldn't get one hooked up. We'll be back though!!!
  12. Here is a link to ST Croix's MOJO bass line up not that these are writing in stone, but it should give you a general idea of which rod is for what type of fishing and then you can go from there. http://www.stcroixrods.com/product/mojo-bass .
  13. I was in the same boat as far as never spending a lot on a lure, until I picked up a handfull of Jackall Girons from a member here because they were a steal compared to the $22 a piece that they cost at the retailer. I went out last weekend and the fish flat out tore them up, when we couldn't buy a bite before I tied one on. I will also admit that I've never seen a more life like lure ever, this thing was truly amazing, and now they have me looking at more expensive lures. Plus as fishermen we dont think twice about going out on the water with $200 worth of cheap baits and and doing ok, when we could be out there with $200 worth of expensive lures tearing them up. I'm not saying that expensive is always better, but I now see where the expensive baits look and perform way better then the cheapos in a lot of cases.
  14. I love me some colorado bladed baits. I walked around BPS the other day trying to find a chartreuse with gold colorado blades, and could only find 2 different brands that had that combo. This is one of my favorite cloudy day/ stained water spinnerbaits
  15. For my personal preference it would be a little to much. I like to stop when I'm a little over an eighth of an inch from the edge of the spool, but that's just me.
  16. Plain and simple if some P.O.S breaks in my house, he will get one chance to turn and run like the scum they are. That one chance is going to be when they here that 12ga pump getting cocked, if they stay to fight after that shame on them. If I have a choice of a family member getting shot or killed or some scum bleeding out on my carpet, well I guess I'll need new carpet and a lawyer.
  17. G-5 T-3, absolutely lethal.
  18. I have a xbow and it gets used in spots where I cant get a stand in due to small or no trees. I throw the ghili suit on and climb up next to a bush, a boulder, a blowdown and just sit right on the ground. I've had deer less then 5yrds away and never even knew I was there.
  19. They are very tasty, filet and grill yum yum!!!
  20. I still have about 4 or 5 of these, I cant believe that they stopped making them. I use them more for stripers then anything else though
  21. I love my St Croix Mojo Bass Pitchin rod, you can pick them up anywhere between $100 and $120. Here's a link to their site: http://www.stcroixrods.com/product/mojo-bass . Bass Pro Shops and Dicks usually has them in stock.
  22. I tried trilene on a few different occasions and pretty much had the same results. I'm a stren guy also, well and power pro braid
  23. Whitetails, Sika, Turkeys, Goose and Ducks here, but mainly the Whitetail and Sikas. Come on September 7th!!!
  24. I love my St Croix Mojos as well, very nice rods
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